what's it about? hm...
Well, so far, it isn't. So far, it's just a graphics replacement. the plot, roughly, is this:
There's several races, the Tickleopians (freepeople's alliance), Gurnopians (empire), Bladarians, Skraddnalanians, Vorkons, Nebulaars, Oolans, Wyfehiggs, and Havulaariums. The Nebulaars are also part of the Empire, and the Oolans and Havulaariums are part of the Alliance.
The Bladarians are spacefaring demons. The Skraddnalanians are spacefaring giant bugs (they're the Aliens from stock EV). The Vorkons are humanoids who are fighting the Skraddnalanians. The Wyfehiggs are idiotic space pirates.
The Alliance is fighting the Empire (very star wars-y). the Nebulaars, although they're part of the Empire, are mostly independant, and they will attack Imperials if they deem it necessary. The Oolans are master shipbuilders from Oolanation.
The Havulaariums were created by the Diamond God (more on him later), but nobody knows yet. The Tickleopians are like humans with tails, and the Gurnopians are like five-legged crabs.
The plugin will revolve mostly around the war between the Alliance and the Empire, with a few deviations in which it'll revolve around the Vorkons/Skraddnalanians, or the Skraddnalanians/Everybody, or the Bladarians/Everybody.
And no, the star destroyer-like warships on the loading screen are NOT in the plugin (i can't get the spin right :frown: ).
that answer yer question? sorry you asked yet?
Ever wonder if illiterate people get the full effect of alphabet soup?