I can't figure out what is going on, but no matter what I do I can't get the so called "Alien" mission I have read so much about. I am a rebel. I have done the missions that gets you the cloaking devise and the Tractor beam on Palshife and the missions of weapons on Clotho Prime I have gone to Sirgil III bar plenty of times and I am know as a role model in that sector I have taken over 31 planets and have a ultimate combat rating with my upgraded kestrel, but i still can't get the dialouge for the "alien" mission. please help me!
ummmmmmm, well, taking over planets is generally considered a BAD THING throughout the galaxy, and really should only be attempted after finishing all the rebel strings. If you have an ultimate combat rating and are an upstanding citizen/pillar of society, and have finished the other strings completely (have you rescued the rebel task force from a deserted planet at the bottom of the universe? comes after you get the tractor beam) then there is no reason why you shouldn't be able to get the string, but I reckon that the fact you took over a load of planets is counting against you - the rebels wouldn't have liked it if you took over any systems near there own.
However - good work... 31 planets with a mod. kestrel is good going. I tend to wait till I get the rebel cruiser and a load of escorts. Then it's pretty easy.------------------
Hang around rebel planets.It doesn't make a difference if you have been demanding tribute.
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Email me at:grahamgoff@hotmail.com -
You'd be surprised how much demanding tributes damages your reputation. Believe me - it doesn't help your chances.
Only if you've been demanding tribute to Rebel planets though.
Visit my site (url="http://"http://www.angelfire.com/indie/thecatacomb/index.html")http://www.angelfire...comb/index.html(/url)
Email me at:grahamgoff@hotmail.com -
I have not demanded tribute on any rebel planets. And the fact is I am a role model or a upstanding citizen on all thier planets. I went to Sigril III to try to get the alien mission, isn't that were it originates? why wont it give me the alien mission?
It dosn't say anything about aliens in the first mission in the string. Just somthing about ships dissapearing near the nebula. If that's any help at all.
Relax, were not in trouble yet! -
Well, where did you get the first mission? Cause I havent gotton the disapearing thing yet.
Nah, the rebels don't like you demanding tributes off independent planets. Neither do the feds. So if you take over, say Yemuro, the immediate systems about like you less. And if those systems are rebel systems, then the overall view of you by the rebels tends to go down in their opinion.
The string always starts from sirgil, so taking over opal doesn't help your chances, and the string starts when a rebel officer asks you to sweep through nexus and all corresponding systems to look for signs of increased fed activity, and it goes from there.------------------
Thanks you guys i solved it.
no problem - enjoy the game