What is the best Plugin for EV? Like a plugin that feels like the same old EV but alters and/or adds to every aspect of the game greatly?
What is the best Plugin for EV? Like a plugin that feels like the same old EV but alters and/or adds to every aspect of the game greatly?
Like no-one has thought of this before, maybe we should also do a :
EV VS EVO pole
A best Ship pole
A worst plug pole
A best Ambrosia game pole
A favorite ambrosia game pole
A favorite game pole
A pole on whether people think Nova will be good.
(url="http://"http://CelticStarbase.tsx.org")http://CelticStarbase.tsx.org(/url) (url="http://"mailto:webmaster@CelticStarbase.com")mailto:webmaster@CelticStarbase.com(/url)webmaster@CelticStarbase.com
Sorry, I wasnt sure how many times people have asked this before, Im pretty new here. I was doing it for my own benefit, so I could find a plugin that everyone likes..
Pale. 'nuff said.
"He's probably the least qualified person ever to be nominated by a major party... What is his accomplishment? That he's no longer an obnoxious drunk?"
- Ron Reagan, son of the former president, on George W. Bush; a (url="http://"http://www.votenader.com")Ralph Nader(/url) supporter.
AIM: ColdFusion117
I'd have to say ev game expander is the best.
Originally posted by hrl2k:
**Sorry, I wasnt sure how many times people have asked this before, Im pretty new here. I was doing it for my own benefit, so I could find a plugin that everyone likes.
Sorry, didn't mean to rub it in.
(url="http://"http://CelticStarbase.tsx.org")http://CelticStarbase.tsx.org(/url) (url="http://"mailto:webmaster@CelticStarbase.com")mailto:webmaster@CelticStarbase.com(/url)webmaster@CelticStarbase.com
Best plugin overall: EVGE (Escape Velocity Game Expander)
Best Storyline: Pale
Best "Mod": Star Wars ANA
That about does it...my life tends to circulate around these plugins.
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Empire trilogy. It's the BEST.
'Light a man a fire and he'll be warm for one night. Set him on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.' Terry Pratchett
I don't care just as long as it is good and has a point to it.
Oh my god! They killed Kenny... YOU BASTARDS!!!
Originally posted by nerd900:
I'd have to say ev game expander is the best.
Absolutely. EVGE rules!!! Better than Pale or GS or just about any other plug. However, I must say, GS comes pretty close...
One of the best small modifiers is "Alpha Consol"! VERY VERY VERY nice graphics! A MUST for any EV player. One question though, who created it?
Originally posted by CelticStarbase:
**Like no-one has thought of this before, maybe we should also do a :
EV VS EVO pole
A best Ship pole
A worst plug pole
A best Ambrosia game pole
A favorite ambrosia game pole
A favorite game pole
A pole on whether people think Nova will be good.
You forgot one :). ummm, Confed vs Rebel, mind you there isn't much debate here cause I would go with neither if I had a choice :}
Oh my god! They killed Kenny... YOU BASTARDS!!!
1. Pale
3. Quantumire Trilogy. Empire Trilogy
I like EVGameExpander2.
Yes, I know that I'm a Newbie, so don't tell me that :frown:
Galactic Scourge, Pale and Empire are great plugs, definitely worth taking a look
Captain Orne
Originally posted by hrl2k:
**What is the best Plugin for EV? Like a plugin that feels like the same old EV but alters and/or adds to every aspect of the game greatly?
Mugabi and Destiny is the best plug-in story I have ever played, including all of the above. It keeps the spirit of ev, but makes some dramatic changes. My vote, no doubt.
Quantimaire one.I had to alocate 30,000 kbs of memory to ev to run it though!!! :eek: :eek: