Hello everyone,
Here's the deal. Pale's creator, Soul (aka Ben Singley) left our community quite a while ago after creating IMHO the best plug so far for EV. He does not maintain the plug-in's site any more and actually, after releasing the full v1.9 hasn't had time to update the links to files which are stored on my ISP's machine.
Down to business. Most people have had no problems downloading and using the files. However, some people have reported the Stuffit Expander's inability to decode and decompress the file. I'm yet to find the cause for this. I have, on several occasions, downloaded the file myself, tested it, found that it's OK, recompressed, decoded and uploaded it again. Some people had luck with it afterwards. Some didn't.
So I did it again. I dug out the files (the data files only - the music and the splash screens, IMO, are working OK on everyone's machines) and compressed/binhexed them. They're available at this URL:
Due to the nature of the encoding process the file is now 4 Mb. It was stuffed and compressed using DropStuff 5.5 and uploaded using Fetch 3.0.3. If clicking the link starts listing text on your screen, option-click it.
I also think you should check your browser's "File Helpers" section and check out what the program does to the files it downloads. Make "*.hqx" Expander documents and make your browser save the file to disk.
TerraNov out.