Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Mission Consultant?

      Hey there everyone, ok with the help of people from this message board I have now completed EVERY Confed and Rebel mission from EV, so I would like to be considered a Mission Consultant, if ya got any questions on any Confed/Rebel missions just E-mail me at, or (preferably) ICQ me at 27298361, thanx - Aaron (R.S.S. Pheonix/ U.S.S. Shearwater)


    • While being a Mission Consultant is a laudable goal—and you might make a fine one—you should know that 92.3% of the members here already completed all the original EV missions...


      if you lived here, you'd be home by now

    • Very true, however there are still those who haven't, not long ago I was one of those pilots and I had a very difficult time with some of the missions, locating an enemy fleet or topping a ship that was much more heavily armed then I was, I am simply advertising my willingness to help now that I have completed the missions so that other new pilots need not go through all the trouble that I did.


    • Good enough, Dsalk. Being helpful to people is greatly underrated, but really nice just the same.


      if you lived here, you'd be home by now

    • I got a question for ya': Whats a good strategy for wasting the Alien Cruiser? I already get the impression the fighters are about indestructable, but the Cruiser seems to take a little damage. It doesn't seem to use traditional fighting techniques, as it would rather run from me rather then chase.

      Another question: Is there any special way to capture a Confed Cruiser, or is this just a, "Click Capture and pray" sorta' thing? Also, are there any types of ships that cannot, under any circumstances, be captured? (Such as the Alien Cruiser, which I'm sure you can never have.)

    • Yes there is in fact a teqnique to destroying the Alien Cruiser, the way to do it is (best done with a Corvette) load a vessel up with as many Turrets, Proton & Laser cannons as you can, wait until you have a large block of time available, and stay behind him, match his moves but always stay behind him, also, try using an afterburner for added manuverability - it helps, never stop shooting, it will take 10-15 minutes of constant firing but he will die. As for trying to capture a Confed crusier, yes it is pretty much just pray, but try having 6 or mabey 5 large escorts (as in vessels with a large crew) that will increase your chances a bit. Hope I have been helpful.

      If I fly the ship, shoot the guns, and work the hyperspace, what the hell does my crew do?

    • Sorry, forgot to read the last part of your message, yes there are, 1: ships you have already boarded, 2: ships without armor 3: mission ships (ships you have been hired to destroy)

      If I fly the ship, shoot the guns, and work the hyperspace, what the hell does my crew do?