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...many people are very impulsive, and will do things first and think about it later. Some one pisses you off, zap, he's dead, then later you think, oh my god, that was my friend.
Well, that is where the law comes in... If it was cold blood, it wasn't a very justified killing. However, if he were to start flashing his gun at you, threatening your life and/or the lives of your loved ones, it would be a bit different. I'm not saying that everyone having guns would be the "ultimate" law, I'm just saying it is a hell of a lot better than a few psychos having guns, and the rest not. 
Then you have the aspect of all the child shootings, kids getting a hold on their parents guns, and just playing around with them, and then hurting someone, possibly killing them.
Thats why parents need to stop placing the blame on people other than themselves. If a parent has a gun, the need to keep it in a place that the child cannot get to. If the parent doesn't have a place like that, they either need to buy a safe, or get rid of the gun. There is no excuse for a 7 year old getting the parent's gun; if the parent had done a better job of hiding it (the sock drawer isn't exactly the best place to keep one...), the child wouldn't have gotten it. Also, if the child is taught from an early age that a gun is to be respected and not treated like a toy, the chances of such an event occuring are probably much lower.
Well, I think I'm done now. 
(url="http://"http://www.evula.com")http://www.evula.com(/url) That one was for Chamrin. 