Does any of you know how to get a Confederation Gunboat. I've got the bay, but not the ship. Do I have to complete a mission? Please, I need to know. Also, I can't unstuff the alien plugin. I use Stuffit Expander, but it says it needs Stuffit. Is Stuffit the same as Stuffit Expander? I used Stuffit Expander to expand the alien plugin a 1/2 a year ago. Now it does not work. What's rong? But I can except it. Anyway I'm fine with the Deviator plugin. That is the best plugin ever, but I sure miss the short cuts on the alien plugin. Well, I hope your happy, because I'm a little. Oh, and one more thing. What plugin makes planet earth destroyed(see screen shots)? It looks kinda cool. Thanks.
Jack the happy gamer.