Originally posted by Neutronic:
**Neutronic Kestrel.
I cheat.
Sue me.
This ship has everything. High-punch, long range weapons, better maneuverability than most small fighters, and 45 tons of cargo space for all those missions that require it. I've only met its match (and, I'll confess, its betters) in the Clavius and Beyond plug I got it from. Whip in a missle jammer, RSC upgrade, thrust enhancer, 60 neutronic torpedoes and take out those silly missles and javalins, and I'll take any of you. Any time. Any place.
Whoa. Sorry, got a little carried away. I am a completely devoted fan of this ship, though. Not recommended for those of you who derive great pleasure from difficult, grueling battles, however. I'm just in it for the missions.
I would like to add, however, that this topic has been done. Many, many times, from my understanding of it. Well, you know what they say about classics, right?
No, neither do I.
What a joke, :rolleyes: listen son if you want to brag about the best ship throught cheating...well then let me teach you a leason...I downloaded a plug that well is nauty....and I was able to purchase and outfit like so:
An alien Cruiser
10 alien fighter bays w/ 30 alien fighters(samething with mantas, patrol ships, hawks, gunboats, lightnings, etc.)
999 of amo for everything and mean everything(javelin rockets, missles, torpedoes, heavy rocekts, seeker drones, etc.)
20 weapon launchers for all of above
20 forklifts
999 fusion beams, heavy fusion beams, particle beams, tractor beams, any beams
999 swivel lasers and rear lases
4 tropoton turrets (if I could put on 999 of them I would but I cant :mad 
999 of armor plating of all three types and shield busters and batteries
999 cargo pods (9980 tons of free cargo :D)
1 missile jammer
those two radar things that I dont remember the names of 
100 fuel tanks, 999ramscoops, 1 after burner
and last but not least as many RSC and thrust upgrades you wish
Dont get me wrong your ship sounds very powerfull
but mine hasn't met her match... I'm getting tribute from every single planet with spaceports in the galaxy...some didn't even fight back!!! they sent like four Defenders and thats it!!!
Oh two good and easy to take over planet are the ones in the Tau Ceti System, I once got them with a defender!!!
So in summary I'll take you on...just name the date, time and system.
Oh and make in place with no interference (asteroids, radar) and inhabeted with no stelat objects so that we can battle in pease (if there is such a thing) I suggest NGC-1592 so that I can go to Pirates Cove for a drink and celebrate over another victory with my homies in the bar...if you know what Im saying 
Mess with the best , Die
like the rest..