Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • mista' bounty hunter makin' me mad and trouble with heavy rocket

      First thing is i kinda, sorta took over pirates cove. Now when i try to kill a bounty hunter in a confed system the confeds get mad and attack. Also the more of those bounty hunters i kill, the worse my legal status in some independant planets gets. Lastly, when i try to buy a heavy rocket it works but now (yes i do have enough space)it doesn't. I am not using a cheater plug thing that might do that.
      -Mista mx

      dont hurt the confed but board the dead

    • You're attacking people who aren't Rebels. The 'feds don't like that, dumbass. And as far as your rocket problems go, you're probably just doing something stupid.

      Oh, and it has nothing to do with Pirate's Cove in particular. Any dominated planet will land you with the same effects.

      There is a fine line between having an attitude problem and thinking clearly.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Neutronic:
      **You're attacking people who aren't Rebels. The 'feds don't like that, dumbass. And as far as your rocket problems go, you're probably just doing something stupid.

      Oh, and it has nothing to do with Pirate's Cove in particular. Any dominated planet will land you with the same effects.


      Damn feds. About the heavy rocket thing, it says "cant have any more of this item" but other times it lets me buy it.

      dont hurt the confed but board the dead