List your favorite plugins here
List your favorite plugins here
Clavius and Beyond. Clavius is an expansive plug, with a sweeping storyline and a very hateable, evil villain, the NPPK. There are lots of ships that add to the story and outfits that are all really useful including the Neutron Turret and Torpedoes. Plus, with one main base, you know where you can most likely get your next mission. Clavius and Beyond rules...
When it comes to EV Override, Beyond the Crescent is a great plug. Its got a good storyline, with interesting twists that seem to evolve from EVO's storyline naturally, answering many questions. At least for now.
Live long and perspire,
--Marcus B.
The Monkey
Ack. Goddammit, you pulled me out of my Dev-board only lurking. For your viewing pleasure, the defnitive list of ever plug who enbodied the phrase "ass-kicking goodness":
1.) Foundation. What's that, you say? It's old? The graphics suck? EXACTLY. The point here is to give you some sense of history. It was the FIRST plug to use VisBits (well, babylon 5 was the first, technically, but this was the first to do them properly). The missions were good, and the concept was innovative (I havn't seen anybody do an EV prequel before or since, much as I'd like to)
2.) Clavius and Beyond. No, I never played it, but it's too venerable and on too many other people's lists to pass up. Oh, and it's god nude chicks to boot.
3.) EVGE. I was there when Toffe revitalised the EV community with this truly massive plug. It kicks ass in every sense of the phrase. NOTHING sucks about this plugin. NOTHING. Go download it this instant.
4.) Final Battle. The first plugin to have graphics wich attempted to conform to the new version 1.0.5 standard, the first (and only) plugin to bring the Great Civil War to a close, and the missions were... well, decent. Okay, so it was buggy as hell, but the ex-Lemming Lord WickedDyno has crafted an (almost) bug free version.
5.) PALE! PALE! PALE! PALE! PALE! The most ass-kicking plotline EVER. Yes, Martin Turner, it kicks E3's ass all the way to New Venus. Ben Singely was a genius.
6.) Eye of Orion. Another positivly ancient EV plug, this was probably the inspiration for the writing style Turner adopted for E3.
7.) E3 itself, composed of The Frozen Heart and Femme Fatale. Positivly mind-altering in their capacity to utilise the EV engine to its limits. Yes, the ships are lifted straight out of stock EV. So? It still kicks ass. That tach fighter... seesh.
8.) Beyond the Crescent. It was decent, and I'm sure you want SOME EVO plugs on this list.
9.) F-25. Just because.
10.) New Horizons. I havn't played this one either, but it looks cool enough.
The top two upcoming plugs that you will cause you to personally strangle yourself if you never get to play them:
1.) New Republic, constantly in the works since '96 or '97. There's still bugs all over the place, but it should get cleaned up before a release...
2.) NOVA. I don't know why. The air of anticipation is so thick around that name that you could cut it with an overused metaphor.
And finally, the top plugins that never got released:
1.) Final Battle II/Xenocide
2.) Edge of Infinity (whose second failure I am personally responsible for)
3.) Elite Frontiers: Solar Scenarios (ditto)
4.) Gizmonic Institute, an MST3K plug.
5.) Future's End, an EV prequel.
6.) The Awakening: Darkness from Beyond, a plug based on the Cthulu mythos. (whose second death Kevin M. Boots is personally responsible for)
7.) Vorinth. Jay's failure with his magnificent beast was so famous it got turned into a verb.
It might sound as if I have been doing weed, but Fighter Bays Galore. It dosen't have any missions, planets, plotlines, or anything like that, but at least I can have a manta bay on my argosy.
First of all, I concur with that Mr. Regulus in an ancient plug: FOUNDATION.
One of the first on my list is PALE.
Next would be another old one B5.Anyone asks why, I am a goddamn fan of that series.
Another ancient one is Altered States.
I would give a 7.4 out of 10 to Galactic Alliance E.
Another more recent one is Merger One.
For EVO, I would choose Beyond The Crescent
Always loyal
to the Confederation
Goddammit dude. Learn that you write that phrase plugin, not plgin. i have heard some stories of your spelling from some contacts on this forum, now i see it is terribly true.
my favourite plugin is GA.
I forgot, B5 is also a great plug-in (albeit, not quite complete), but in the EVO version it is even bigger, better and more complete...
Clavius and Beyond and Beyond the Crescent still take the cake though.
Live long and perspire,
--Marcus B.
The Monkey
For EV, New Horizons, Galactic Scourge, The Quantumire Trilogy, Star Wars/2/3, Star Trek EV (even though it's buggy, it has great graphix,) Oreste, Federation, Elite Frontiers.
For EVO, The Frozen Heart, Femme Fatale, B5, Star Wars 2 port to EVO, Overflow 1942, Compuwars OV. That's all the good ones I've played
Andrew Meilstrup / JAE / Coruscant Software, unInc.
(url="http://"")My website(/url), (url="http://"")the Coruscant Software website(/url)
Regulus wrote:
7.) Vorinth. Jay's failure with his magnificent beast was so famous it got turned into a verb.
Yeah, well, what does the verb mean? Any past-tenses? Future-tenses? Present-tenses?
Andrew Meilstrup / JAE / Coruscant Software, unInc.
(url="http://"")My website(/url), (url="http://"")the Coruscant Software website(/url)
Vorinth: v. For an especially hyped EV-plugin to be cancelled, especially if immediatly prior to release. Past tense: Vorinthed.
Vorinthine: adj. An extremely large EV-plugin. Especially with good artwork.
Regulus wrote:
Vorinthine: adj. An extremely large EV-plugin. Especially with good artwork.
Then Star Trek Plug for EVO is already Vorinthine in it's dev stages. It's true! ?9 megs! And Kwanza is the god of Mechanisto, 'nuff said.
OpenGL Avara!
AIM: EVAndrewM
I admit it, my room is a chaotic disaster area.
"You believe what's written in that thing?! I was probably drunk at the time."
-Matt Burch
Mine. It isn't finished, hell it isn't really started yet. (just some graphics, map, governments and a bit of a story). But you will agree when its finished
Fear is not owning a baseball bat
Fear is also when a guy pulls the bat out of your hands and throws it behind him grinning
THATS when you run!
Regulus wrote:
Vorinth: v. For an especially hyped EV-plugin to be cancelled, especially if immediatly prior to release. Past tense: Vorinthed.
So it's synonymous with vaporware.
OpenGL Avara!
AIM: EVAndrewM
I admit it, my room is a chaotic disaster area.
"You believe what's written in that thing?! I was probably drunk at the time."
-Matt Burch
My favorite plugins of all time (and I'm surprised no one has mentioned them) are Empire and the sequel, Empire 2. They just plain kick ass. They add plenty of new ships,without disrupting the balance of the game, plenty of outfits, etc. But what really makes them the best are the missions. They are just so well thought out and immersive it's not even funny. It's like "playing" a really good sci-fi movie. Seriously, everyone go download them now! (url="http://"")
Well, I haven't played Empire, but I tried Empire 2. I agree it's a great plug-in, goood missions, almost no bugs. However, for me it felt like playing Final Battle again. Why?
1. FinalBattle ships and weapons.
2. Great part of the plot also seam to be influenced gvreatly by Final Battle missions.
Nevertheless it's good plug-in and I enjoyed playing it.
P.S. The author must be reall maniac of conquering the planets. I played a lot of plug-ins but probably never spent so much time on conquering planet missions.
Galactic Scourge is the best plug I have ever played.
Get it from
(url="http://"")http://www.geocities...uare/Ring/6416/(/url) .
"Time can be considered as the 4th dimension. It can be streched, squeezed and manipulated like matter." --- Roger Hawkings
The Frozen Heart , i found it the best plugin i'd played.
try it for yourself. :rolleyes:
Power Corrupts, and Absolute
Power Corrupts Absolutely.
the best, the most exciting, the most amazing plugs are: galactic scourge, empire and empire 2...most exciting, amazing upcoming plugs are: galactic scourge 2, empire 3 and cold blood
Galactic Scourge (sequel, dammit! Sequel!)
Clavius and Beyond--after playing this game, no other ship would do. I got the Neutronic Kestrel plug and I play it with everything , now. So it's practically a cheat. I don't care. I love this ship.
Eye of Orion--Hell Yes.
Final Battle--I'm pissed at all the bugs, but the concept was friggin' fantastic.
Battle for Valhalla--lots of missions. Kept me occupied. There's something to be said for flat-out time wasting.
Angels of Vengeance--what can I say? I'm susceptible to stupid and cute.
A total aside (I realize this doesn't belong here, but I imagine everyone can just ignore me if I'm irritating, no? Of course.) but here's a list of plugs I could never get started...the mission stream never began.
Hostile Takeover
Williams (actually, I did manage to start this one, but the missions suddenly and mysteriously stopped.)
I'm going to have to download EVGE, from the sound of it. How tragic! merry smile
There is a fine line between having an attitude problem and thinking clearly.