Where and/or how does one get it?
Where and/or how does one get it?
Hmmm, its been along time since I played EVGE, but I don't think you can capture/buy one......anyone else remember?
EVGE- Escape Velocity Game Expander
A Large plugin by toffe, you can't belong to this board without having played this plug
you can get it from this site (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiasw.com/cgi-bin/vftp/vftp.cgi?url=ev/plugins/e&product;=&sort;=name")here(/url)
Or download it from his site and check out the plugs features (url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Dungeon/4624/")here(/url)
To get the Wraith, you must disable it (very difficult) and board it and attempt a capture. As I'm currently working on the "final" version with Stoffe, I'm pondering adding purchaseability after completion of a certain mission, although I don't think he likes that idea.
EVGE (EV Game Expander) is among the best plug-ins ever made for Escape Velocity, although there is a lot of room for improvement and in many ways it isn't as good as other plug-ins - that's why we're improving it.
G@rett - you can't get it there anymore - the only place you can currently get it from is the Starlight HL server - I'm working on a download site once I can find good web hosting for Levetron.
Mike Lee (Firebird)
I've played all the major and most of the minor plugins of EV and EVO. I still consider EVGE the best plugin !!! (excellent fleet dynamics too).
I don't know if I need a Wrath, once I've gotten used to the Marauder. However, I do think the "annihilator" weopon of the Maurader is too strong (can't believe I'm saying that). I would love to be able to put a healthy quantity of the Alien Attach Fighter blasters on it instead !!! Those things are COOL!
Extend the Alien universe. And, it would be really cool if I could keep my Mauauder and 3 Command Ship escorts and explore Alien space with them rather than starting ALL over again.
Hmmm, the point of EVGE isn't to fly all those superpowerful ships with superpowerful weapons. Unless you cheated (a bad thing), it's nearly impossible to get your hands on the Marauder. It will be necessary for a mission in EVGEf, but that should mark the end of the Polaris missions and you don't need to keep going.
The point of the disintegrator is for the aliens to use. The point of the aliens in EVGE is to make even the best of pilots run from them to prevent destruction. So yes, the disintegrator's amazing power is intended and necessary. Playing the Marauder gets kind of boring eventually, because you're always on the attacking side and never on the defensive. But while you're at it, you might as well try to dominate Sol. Have fun.
I have no plans to extend the Alien universe - Stoffe told me it would be unnecessary, although I'm considering bugging him about it. But that'll be sort of like Cythera's temple of the cult of the Scylla, which isn't very much related to the game but very hard to get through if even possible.
Mike Lee (Firebird)
No cheating!
My role-playing is to dominate all space, not necessarily to work for others (missions). As a Warrior, I live to fight ... and by the time I've got the ship and fleet I want, I've had more fighting than a 100 missions (or so). Though, I do eventually work through the missions out of curiousity.
Yes, after getting the Marauder, things were less exciting unless going up against an Alien fleet, often having two Marauders of it's own and at least one Command Ship. I got killed several times before learning my lessons.
The best way (I believe the only way) to capture a Marauder is to first get one the Super-Duper Orion ships (I forget its name) with a Black Lightning (it's the only time I used it, because in a way it is a cheat), and as large of a fleet as possible for the capturing percentage. Make the Orion ship as fast as possible because you'll have to run from a lot of Alien Attack Fighers. I captured the 3 Command Ships first since I wanted to build a fleet and the Mauauder can't seem to capture well ... it seems to actually be only a moderate sized cruiser.
One of the best things about a Mauauder is that it comes (or you have to capture) 6 !!! Alien Attack Fighters !!! Those things are killers themselves!
Anyway, loved the game!
I find that after a while, flying in a Marauder gets boring, as does only fighting and not doing any missions. It just turns into an easy arcade game with no scoring. I also find it hard to believe that you could get killed by an Alien fleet - in a Marauder, practically nothing can kill you, with the exception of another Marauder, which still isn't too hard to destroy.
What you're doing isn't what the game was meant to do. I'm probably going to weaken the Black Lightning, and the Alien ships are pretty much hard enough to destroy as it is. Of course, there is a mission in which capturing a Marauder is necessary, but since you've already done it I'll just have to make it more difficult.
I'm guessing the Orion Galaxy Destroy was good because you first fire the Black Lightning, then use your turrets to flood the screen - causing a great deal of damage as well as overloading the object maximum so that the aliens can't do anything, and it'll eventually be disabled. The Black Lightning shouldn't be able to fire twice before the Marauder reaches 100% shielding - if it does, then let me know and I'll "fix" it.
Anyway, the bottom line is the fact that I can't understand you're getting so much fun out of playing a superpowerful ship. The only real challenge would be dominating Sol.
Mike Lee (Firebird)
Well, now that he's learned his lesson....
Yes, I DO fly one of those beautiful Wraith Missle Crusiers, and it's very nice.
EVGE is still the best plug out, with FB4 in second. Outfitted with dozens of nukes and Polaris Missles and Torpedos, I can usually cut down Alien Warships just by:
A) Circle them by using your Autopilot. The slicer-beam thing won't mertilize you that way.
C) Don't waste your time with the Alien Attack fighters unless you've got an extra Black Lightning shot left. Their great speed is their biggest disadvantage. If they miss you one run, it takes quite a while for them to slow and turn around.
Thus Alien CC's aren't too much of a challenge anymore. I'm just wondering...
WHAT THE HELL ARE THE ALIEN BATTLECRUSIERS FOR? (Y'know, the ones you buy at the outfitters.)
"10 to the 100th. Big number"
-The Keeper Of Souls
All hail the Keeper Of Souls, owner of all things true!
Well, now that he's learned his lesson....
Yes, I DO fly one of those beautiful Wraith Missle Crusiers, and it's very nice.
EVGE is still the best plug out, with FB4 in second. Outfitted with dozens of nukes and Polaris Missles and Torpedos, I can usually cut down Alien Warships just by:
A) Circle them by using your Autopilot. The slicer-beam thing won't mertilize you that way.
Yes, the circle-and-shoot technique. We might port EVGE to EVO (with the new AI), then you'll have trouble doing that.
Um, isn't that kind of obvious?
C) Don't waste your time with the Alien Attack fighters unless you've got an extra Black Lightning shot left. Their great speed is their biggest disadvantage. If they miss you one run, it takes quite a while for them to slow and turn around.
Well, if we port this to EVO, then they'll be unstoppable.
Thus Alien CC's aren't too much of a challenge anymore. I'm just wondering...WHAT THE HELL ARE THE ALIEN BATTLECRUSIERS FOR? (Y'know, the ones you buy at the outfitters.)
Well, in case you're cheating and have an Alien CC...
Anyway, thanks to all who've contributed to this post - now I know that I need to bug Stoffe (or myself) to make the aliens nearly impossible to beat (they were meant to be, but obviously it doesn't work). Of course, I also have to consider the fact that you're flying Wraiths and Marauders, but still.
Mike Lee (Firebird)
Firebird (Mike),
Don't worry, you made getting the Alien ships plenty hard. Please allow us some freedom to play the game the way we like (even if distorted).
Thanks for your efforts and skills in contributing to the authoring of EVGE !!!
Cruiser (Will)
The alien marauder is kind of fun. It gets boring though, as anything dies in one shot.
"How can i make it go faster"? -Me-