Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • I remember the LordOfLemming and such..I was new then..I don't know how long I have been around..Seems awhile

    • Admittedly, some people don't like snobbishness. But it'll be around frever. Countries have citizenships, society has rank and file, armies have promotions, web boardshave status. It's basically a way of seeing who's more important. Go figure.


    • Or more egotistical. 😉


      "I think it had something to do with the price of beans."

    • ElGuapo7 wrote:
      **Admittedly, some people don't like snobbishness. But it'll be around frever. Countries have citizenships, society has rank and file, armies have promotions, web boardshave status. It's basically a way of seeing who's more important. Go figure.


      No, snobs are the ones who think they are important, or the ones trying desperately to be.


      Ps. Daneel, my apologies if I seemed offensive. That was not my intention. It was a general rant 😉