Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Story Questions

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      Warning: Spoilers of DOOM!


      1. It's odd that each of the sentient races seemed to have been created by a god, except the Erulians. But I was just noticing that the energy temple god has an Erulian tail. Does that have something to do with the Krotite and their war against the Erulians?

      2. We see Naija trapped in a blue crystal on the title screen and based on the secret ending we can assume that it was Mia who trapped her there. We see multiple blue crystals during the game, each of which has a spirit trapped inside it. Is that really Naija in the crystal, or just her spirit? It seems unlikely that it is actually Naija as Mia seemed to have plans for her and her powers.

      3. Although Naija can live above water she doesn't seem to be particularly well adapted to it, in the game at least. Is Naija more mobile on land than we saw in game? Also do all her verse based abilities work above water?

      4. At the end of the game it seems that each race was restored after the creator's death. Would they have been restored if their spirits hadn't been trapped in the blue crystals? Did Mia trap them in the crystals knowing they would be restored, or was she just providing Naija the power to defeat the creator and the restoration was an indirect result? Is Mia happy about the restoration of the sentient races of Aquaria, or angry, or does she even care? I didn't get the feeling that she planned on sticking around underwater for much longer...

    • I'm guessing that in response to question #2,


      what was stored in the crystal was her spirit, or at least a recording of it. Kind of like a 'saved game'.

      Remember in the opening, where Naija says, " will live my life through my eyes... and you will learn the truth."? Well, I think that the bit in the secret ending, with


      Lucien staring into the crystal, was basically the same thing we did with our computers: play the game, find the secret... know that big trouble lieth ahead


    • I agree. Sometimes when I die I almost expect Naija to say "No, thats not how it happened." just like in Prince of Persia.

    • @ragashingo, on Nov 17 2008, 02:47 AM, said in Story Questions:

      I agree. Sometimes when I die I almost expect Naija to say "No, thats not how it happened." just like in Prince of Persia.

      hah.. you and I both. I kept thinking the exact same thing!

    • In answer to question 3, I think that having flippers simply makes it difficult to get around on land. It would be nice if Naija could crawl along walls, the same way the Warped Mermen in Mithalas Cathedral could do.

      Also, most of her Verse abilities work above water (I've tried it.) Spirit Form won't, not because of some story reason, but because the 'spirit-blot' has trouble with moving and gravity and thus was disabled.

    • @ragashingo, on Nov 17 2008, 08:47 AM, said in Story Questions:

      I agree. Sometimes when I die I almost expect Naija to say "No, thats not how it happened." just like in Prince of Persia.

      Or, for that matter, in Monkey Island 2. 😉

      About #1,


      I think Erulia classifies as a God, remember the writing "here lies Erulia our mother"


      ; at the very least she begat the whole of the Erulians (at least indirectly), which has to count for something, right?

      *Of course I have a file with all the Aquarian script inscriptions found in the game, who do you take me for, some half-assed obsessive-compulsive guy? No siree, I am obsessive-compulsive through and through! I am serious in my OCD!

    • @zacha-pedro, on Nov 17 2008, 02:19 PM, said in Story Questions:

      Or, for that matter, in Monkey Island 2. 😉

      About #1,


      I think Erulia classifies as a God, remember the writing "here lies Erulia our mother"


      ; at the very least she begat the whole of the Erulians (at least indirectly), which has to count for something, right?

      *Of course I have a file with all the Aquarian script inscriptions found in the game, who do you take me for, some half-assed obsessive-compulsive guy? No siree, I am obsessive-compulsive through and through! I am serious in my OCD!

      I did that too. I used the map marker system to put translation of all the text right over the Aquarian text.

    • I realized today that I had forgotten one of my most important questions:


      Was the disaster that knocked the flying city into the ocean a natural disaster or was it caused by something or someone?

    • Hmmm.... tricky. I'm guessing,


      from all those meteors, that it was a natural disaster

      . Of course,


      (mind flashes to the extended ending)

      you never know...