Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • New Republic/BubbafishSoftware/StarLight

      I would like to set this thread up as an area for all who play NR, Beta NR, have Questions about NR or anything related to New Republic and/or Bubbafish Software or StarLight Hotline Server. Please post here or go to my own Disc. Board at (url="http://"")
      I will monitor both areas and will answer questions.
      Kevin out

      "The Future Belongs to those who chase after their Dreams.
      These Dreams are like the fast winds, Thus you must build a
      sail to follow them were ever they lead, For to fear were
      they lead is failure!"

      Kevin M. Boots

      BubbaFish Software:

      HotLine Site:
      Hotline Name: Space/Time
      Admin of StarLight IP:

    • Yes, I do have a question: Any idea when the final version of New Republic will be out?

    • I have the same question as forge, could you guys at least speculate for us?

    • When will it be out to beta testers?


    • Soon, Feb sometime.
      Kevin out

    • What was your originally-planned release date?


    • Heh, that would be a couple of years ago... 🙂


    • Ah it was first due in 97, then a couple times in 98, and a couple time in 1999. You have to understand I have worked all this time I working on it. Most of the time I work 12 hours or more a day 5 days a week. I have a life out side my computer and although I want to fnish this plug-in sometimes it gets left on the back burner. I am sorry for this but it happens. I remeber being upset when Jay did not finish Vornith when he only had a few more mission to finish off. I also know the theory that this would save EV or brings us all together. I finaly have help, via AJ and Joe, that is HELPING me. We are about a month from FINAL beta testing. We are about a month and a half from Release. Now instead of like before me just tell you guys something that I find out later I can not reach, this time I ave two other people to back me up. New Republic will be out by April. It will be completed and beta tested in February and March. We will have it done. So wait two more months and you will have it.
      Kevin out

      "The Future Belongs to those who chase after their Dreams.
      These Dreams are like the fast winds, Thus you must build a
      sail to follow them were ever they lead, For to fear were
      they lead is failure!"

      Kevin M. Boots

      BubbaFish Software:

      HotLine Site:
      Hotline Name: Space/Time
      Admin of StarLight IP: