Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Ambrosia Software, Inc. Releases Uplink 1.6.1

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      ROCHESTER, New York -- October 9, 2008 -- Ambrosia Software, Inc. announced today the release of Uplink 1.6.1. This release resolves compatibility issues and also provides enhancements to the cyber-hacking strategy game.

      Posted Image

      This updated version, free to registered users of Uplink, may be downloaded here:


      Uplink 1.6.1 features the following improvements and changes:

      -- Restored compatibility with Mods

      -- Fixed an issue where with large world map.

      -- Various bug fixes and enhancements

    • I am well pleased (although somewhat disappointed at the slowness of the update). Good job nevertheless!

    • Thanks for the update, but I still don't seem to have any luck installing themes. I moved the folder into ~/Library/Application Support/Uplink/mods/data, but it didn't show up under themes in the game.

    • For themes: Just stick them right into the mods folder, not into the other data folder. mrxak's post mentions a data folder to put things in, but that's because Uplink originally did it kind of strangely... there was a Data folder, and then another data folder within that one to put gateway information in. So... just treat the mods folder as the original Data folder, and you should be able to figure out how to install stuff. It all works for me. Thanks for the update!

    • Great, thanks Shenlon! Works perfectly.

      This post has been edited by airwave : 10 October 2008 - 12:13 PM

    • I'm sure I speak for many when I say,

      "When will we mac users be able to use Onlink? Can we use it now? Where do I get the files needed?"

    • The next Onlink version is going to have a Mac version.

    • Do you have any idea when that will be released?

    • Nope. They're working on it full steam though. There are a lot of changes in this one.
      You can follow along in the progress log if you want.