Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Lan Trouble

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      Trying to hack a LAN - Am I missing something?

      I have all the LAN tools (plus Bypasses, etc.) and I try to Scan the LAN. However, the computer I've dialed into is not connected with ANYTHING else. I've tried dialing in so the last bounce is from a company server; no luck. Anybody?

    • I assume that you are doing this already, but, just to be sure: When you connect to the computer, you need to bring up the LAN HUD. Then, rather than trying to scan the entire network, you should use LAN_Probe on the first machine you see -- it should be a router of some sort. This will find other connected machines (locks, terminals, the mainframe, &c.), and show how they are connected. You can then continue to explore the LAN in that manner.

      If that doesn't help, you might try reading through the Ultimate Guide.


    • Sorry, that's what I mean. Probe and Scan both come up empty (the machine appears with a red box around it and doesn't appear to be connected to anything else.

    • Each of those programs has multiple versions. Are you sure that you are using the highest version available?


    • @darwinian, on Aug 25 2007, 04:54 PM, said in Lan Trouble:

      Each of those programs has multiple versions. Are you sure that you are using the highest version available?


      Yes, thanks to my happening on a bank account with > a million credits in it. Everything's version 3.0. I think it's a BUG in Uplink itself.

    • Have you tried forcing it?


    • @darwinian, on Aug 26 2007, 05:58 PM, said in Lan Trouble:

      Have you tried forcing it?


      But then the sysadmin will log on! Anyway, I'm not on a lock, I'm on the first computer (a hub) I dialed into.

    • @soitbegins, on Aug 27 2007, 06:13 AM, said in Lan Trouble:

      But then the sysadmin will log on! Anyway, I'm not on a lock, I'm on the first computer (a hub) I dialed into.

      1. If you force a system, it will remain unlocked when you reconnect, so it doesn't really matter if the sysadmin logs in.
      2. It never hurts to try something. As there are no bug fixes that are going to come out any time soon, your only other alternative is to abort the mission. You might as well try everything before you do that.


    • I've had that before. It's an old bug in the game (that will hopefully be fixed when we update...). You fix the "lan not making a link" problem quiting uplink and re-logging in. It sorta sucks because you have to bounce your connections all over again.