Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • destorying a central mainframe

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      How do you destory a central mainframe?

    • To destroy a central mainframe...

      First you need to go to InterNIC and get either an Access terminal or Internal Services site (of the same company as the target server) added to your addresses. Then click on their Public Access server (no need to add it to your addresses), and add the Admin's phone number to your addresses. Disconnect and call the Administrator, making sure you're running the Voice Analyser. He'll talk after a few rings, then your voice analyser will store his voice. Don't close that program until you are done using it! Keep it open. Disconnect and route your call through several systems, then the target company's Internal Services Machine/Access terminal, then the target computer. Hack into the computer, and disable the security (a proxy disable and possibly a firewall disable program will be required, while a proxy and firewall bypass is recomended; you may need a higher version if they don't work)

      Now you need to access the console in the Admin menu. Type in the following in order, Note , the first two are not required:

      cd log
      cd usr
      cd sys

      Now the computer will try to restart. Assuming you did everything correctly, it will not. It will disconnect you. Now you should delete the logs on at least one of the computers you routed your connection through, so a passive trace doesn't come back to bite you.

      Hope that helps 🙂

      Quotes from fictional characters...
      "You couldn't fool your mother on the foolingest day of your life if you had an electrified fooling machine" - Homer Simpson from The Simpsons
      "We may be committing crimes that are against the law" - Mafia Robot from Futurama

    • I don't believe the log one is absolutely necessary. Although it's certainly a nice bonus. 🙂

      I may not have the strength to hold you up/ but if you fall/ I will fall under you/ and make it as soft as I can
      Official member of WIRP. | Zelda is Always Right.

    • It works, thank you.

      I can only please one person per day. Today is not your day. Tomorrow dosen't look good either.

    • Heh, you generally delete your logs after you commit the crimes. 😛

      "Tucker did it!" -Caboose
      "Simmons, I need your ovaries." -Donut
      "Whip out the ol' blue 'Tichel Tickler" and hammer the 'nearest target' button and you've turned the enemy carrier's 200 tons of hangars into a bad investment." -Tichel Tickler

      (This message has been edited by n00ser (edited 08-31-2004).)