Originally posted by STraven:
**Good luck with the banks, they've a fast active trace.
And personnaly, I prefer stealing money and buying a great (and damn expensive) custom gateway with enough room for as many CPUs as you want.
I like my 16000 Ghz.
p.s. Buy the bypassers and sell the disablers. Bypassing don't start a trace.
Yes, I know. I made the mistake of thinking that if I disabled the proxy and clicked on the log, I'd bring up the person's name (for the trace an unusual transfer missions). Needless to say, I soon got booked for Unlawful Entry or some such rigamarole. And as for buying good gateways, the game won't let me use any customs until I register... Which leaves me only one option... No, not to crack the game, you pervs, to register.
With the bypassers, the only hitch is that I need more money to be able to buy the bypassers... And the quickest and best way to get that is by robbing a bank... You see the problem?
Suddenly, the little scoutship disappeared and then reappeared right behind the alien warfleet. The gravitic ship's captain hailed the armada. "You are going to be destroyed, but I will give you a choice as to how you want to spend eternity: big pieces, little pieces, or quarks?"
Dead silence.
"Quarks it is, then."