Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Tracing Hacker Missions

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      I've heard from variouse strategy sites that you shouldn't accept the tracing hacker missions if they're a couple hours old because they cover their tracks, but if I try to accept them when they are available right away, it doesn't let me accept or contact the employer, it says, "We cannot allow you to accept this mission on behalf of the employer." So it doesn't allow me to accept the missions until they're a day or two old which goes against the rules of all the strategy guide sites. But eventually I did accept one of the missions and the hacker did cover up his tracks and now im hacking into every computer system imaginable to find a possible bounce log to trace him down. Are there any suggestions or do I need to get a patch or something? Please help.

    • I'm not sure. The only reason that they won't let you accept the mission is if you are the hacker they want to trace. If they let you accept it, you can't find the log because you already deleted it. Abandon the mission, then crank it back up with a bank hack. (url="http://"") has some forums which you'll find bank hacking threads almost everywhere. Have fun. 🙂

      Maniak hacks like

    • Quote

      Originally posted by junkie:
      I've heard from variouse strategy sites that you shouldn't accept the tracing hacker missions if they're a couple hours old because they cover their tracks, but if I try to accept them when they are available right away, it doesn't let me accept or contact the employer, it says, "We cannot allow you to accept this mission on behalf of the employer." So it doesn't allow me to accept the missions until they're a day or two old which goes against the rules of all the strategy guide sites. But eventually I did accept one of the missions and the hacker did cover up his tracks and now im hacking into every computer system imaginable to find a possible bounce log to trace him down. Are there any suggestions or do I need to get a patch or something? Please help.

      Every time you get to the next step in his tracks and your looking at a bounce, run log undeleter on it. Sometimes they modify the log to point in a wrong direction instead of improperly deleting it.

      Geting sent after yourself... now thats a tough cookie. I've had a page full of missions on one of my very advanced guys that all of the missions would refuse to hire me... They never did hire me ether.

      (url="http://"")Cheat 2(/url)
      Cheat in almost any mac game. Even Nova... Even UPLINK.

    • Abandon ,then hack a bank. Go (url="http://"")here(/url) for help on hacking a bank.

      Maniak hacks like

    • Where did you read that you shouldn't accept trace hacker missions if they're old? I've accepted and completed ones that are days old, without difficulties. I've only had to run Log Undeleter once on a log, too. I have yet to run into any mission that cannot be completed, wether its a hacker thats using Log Deleter v4.0 or uncrackable LANs.

      "You can't fight in here, this is the war room!!"
      -Dr. Strangelove

    • I dunno, I've been sent to track down someone (that's not myself), and I went to the log files and accounting statements, tried to undelete everything, but the only entries that were even close to the alleged hack time were my own footprints...I even traced myself clear back to InterNIC.
      Gathering a lot of sysAdmin voices is sure a pain in the behind.

      Getting on everybody's nerves since 1999.

    • for banks you gotta use the general connect logs, if you havent been..

      "He has a company that makes computers. Or a computer that makes companies. Anyway, you wouldn't understand."-Homer

    • Yes. You might as well abandon the mission.

      Maniak hacks like

    • This may be a result of my not thinking it through enough, but having tracked down a hacker (and not myself either), I have an IP address that he connected to his first node from, but InterNIC doesn't catalog that IP address. Do I have to break into Uplink to find out who this guy is? Or go global criminal database? I've never found a way to operate the number keypad myself, so I'm a little lost.

      For Largo

    • Buy the IP Lookup software and type in the IP address. This likely means he bounced through a mainframe.

      Maniak hacks like

    • I once abandoned this a ' trace the hacker' mission because i read what you did about it being old and i had worked on a couple of other missions before i got to it. Consequently, i had advanced a number of days so figured i was out of luck and Abandoned the mission.

      After that i would occasionally request a mission that told me they wouldn't use me, which i assumed was because of the reply i got after i abandoned the above, & the email they sent back said they wouldn't use me again.

      I just finished one of the ' trace the hacker' missions following the online guide and got through it but i won't do another just because the time it takes it not worth the money.

      It was worthwhile doing once just for the experience of using the undelete log and to see how confusing it can be.
