Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Can't get to files on file server

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      While doing a 'delete all files on server' mission, I deleted all the files on the first screen of the file server. I was able to scroll down and see more files, but I was out of time and had to disconnect. When I reconnected there were no files visible on the server. Perhaps there were, but there was no scroll bar so I couldn't scroll down to see them.

      Is this normal? Did I blow the mission by not getting all the files on the first try? Or is this a bug? A smart sysadmin would back up the files to another volume and let me try again...

      Tried to find this in the board history but maybe I wasn't searching for the right thing. Thanks.

    • This often happens if you manially delete the files. Unless you're on a LAN, use the console. It'll get it done.

      Maniak hacks like

    • That happened to me once as well; I was on a LAN and I kept getting kicked off before I could finish; on the third attempt when I knew for a fact there were four more files to delete, I got back in and found nothing.

      A couple hours of game time later the news had reports that the company in question had suffered the loss of all their files, I replied to the mission and got paid. Weird.

      Trivia, maybe everyone knows this: When you use the console delete command, it doesn't really delete anything until it finishes saying that it deleted everything. So if there are 20 files, if it's in the process of saying "deleting file 19..." when you get disconnected, it didn't really delete any of them. Suckage.

      Happy Hunting, -Trask

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