Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • minor oversight in Uplink

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      As I was hacking the International Social Security Database the other day, watching all the pictures go by, I felt something was out of place. A quick check of the name generator (thanks to RedShirtX for decrypting the data files!!) confirmed what I had noticed: there are no women in the game. All the hackers, company owners, and names used are male.

      Now, I am not a wild feminist and I am certainly not trying to come across as a stuck up Politically Correct nusiance, but I feel that the game is a bit sexist in not including women in the corporate world of the future. I hope that the game creators will take this into account when making new versions or other games in the future.

      There are only 10 kinds of people in the world: those who understand binary and those who don't.

    • Yeah... I noticed this also. I don't think it's that difficult to stick in new pictures and names in the data folder, but I don't know exactly where to put them.

      Keepin' it surreal.
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      "Hehe. I fell in love with the female horse and the high-pitched male." - The Space Between

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Dan-D-Man:
      **As I was hacking the International Social Security Database the other day, watching all the pictures go by, I felt something was out of place. A quick check of the name generator (thanks to RedShirtX for decrypting the data files!!) confirmed what I had noticed: there are no women in the game. All the hackers, company owners, and names used are male.

      Now, I am not a wild feminist and I am certainly not trying to come across as a stuck up Politically Correct nusiance, but I feel that the game is a bit sexist in not including women in the corporate world of the future. I hope that the game creators will take this into account when making new versions or other games in the future.


      obviously in the future we did what femininsts fear we want to do now. Repeal sufferage and exterminate all women.

      (url="http://"")Cheat 2(/url)
      Cheat in almost any mac game. Even Nova... Even UPLINK.

    • The reason females were not added is because the game randomly associates images with pre-defined names. IV didn't want to have to write the extra code necessary to force the people generator to take sex into consideration as well.


    • Yeah. This is why, unless you assign your image a name of image0.tif (or something like that), it'll be assigned to someone else.

      Maniak hacks like

    • hmmmmm I have red shirt x, but it doesnt seem to do anything to files except put .reds at the end... am i missing something??


    • Quote

      Originally posted by skipper2:
      **hmmmmm I have red shirt x, but it doesnt seem to do anything to files except put .reds at the end... am i missing something??


      The Data and user files are encrypted regularly--if you open them in a text editor all you'll get is garbage. Once decoded with RedShirtX, the .reds file should be readable by a text editor. Its not very pretty to look at -- still very messy in MS Word anyways, but you can at least find people's bank passwords ;). The decrypted "Uplink Data" file lists, among other things, all the names used in the game (corporations, individuals, etc.)

      I haven't yet successfully edited a .usr file and replaced it in working condition...but I believe it is possible =D

      Hope that helps

      There are only 10 kinds of people in the world: those who understand binary and those who don't.

    • If you attempt to edit a user file with a plain text editor, you'll bugger the file beyond hope of repair.

      Use a hex editor.
