Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Password Breaker won't crack a bank acct...

      3 5 573

      No, I'm not trying to steal money, so this isn't another "how do I steal money?" topic. This is my second time around playing Uplink, and I had about a 5 month break in between "addiction cycles." I remember I figured it out the first time, but I forgot how.

      I try to run the password breaker on a bank account number, but it won't do it. Hint please?

      Oh yeah...I'm really the "Diordna" that used to post in the EVN forum...but this forum won't recognize my username, even though the EVN one does. Weird.

      All your password are
      belong to us

    • You must type in the account number as the username, then run the password breaker. The reason that I'm so experienced is that I'm experienced on the Introversion boards. You'll find another guy named Maniak there. That's me, also.

      Maniak hacks like
      [ Maniak hacks like
      crazy! ](http://uplink.stews<br />

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    • Quote

      Originally posted by Diordna2:
      **Oh yeah...I'm really the "Diordna" that used to post in the EVN forum...but this forum won't recognize my username, even though the EVN one does. Weird.


      You should report that to Andrew.

      Welcome to the boards, both of you 🙂

      -esw-dragoon_77: Doing what he can to fsck people up since September 2001.
      (url="http://"") | (url="http://"") | (url="http://"") | (url="http://"") | (url="http://"")Escape Velocity Survival Guide(/url) | (url="http://"")The Empire Trilogy(/url) |
      (url="http://";=EV+banter+|AMP|+brawl&number;=10")Something (garbled), this way comes...(/url) | (url="http://"")omg im so l33t!!!11(/url) | Bah. You're Stupid! (url="http://"")Look, see?(/url)
      "Charming, your sister sounds like quite the catch!" ~Mek-Nificent7

    • It still doesn't work. I enter the account number in the "manage account" screen and the password breaker just goes away without cracking it. What gives?

      I haven't bypassed the monitor or the proxy. Is that my problem?

      All your password are
      belong to us

    • Then it's probably a bug. Either that, or you've connected to the wrong bank! That's happened to me before. Check which bank in the mission statement. You probably have the wrong bank. If you're at the right bank, it's a bug. Try quiting Uplink, then trying again. I hope I've helped. 🙂

      Maniak hacks like
      crazy! (url="http://"")http://uplink.stewsb...file.php?Maniak(/url) My
      Profile! (url="http://"") One of my favorite sites as soon as I register!

      (This message has been edited by Maniak (edited 09-09-2003).)

      (This message has been edited by Maniak (edited 09-09-2003).)