Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • System Hacking

      5 9 393

      How do you destroy a computer? I tried typing in Shutdown but it said unrecognized text.


      David(THE DAVID)

    • cd sys

      MU* addict

    • where do you type it?

      David(THE DAVID)

    • Go to the CONSOLE in the administrator's section. Type in:

      cd usr
      cd sys

      happy hacking...

      Jump HIGH & Swing HARD!!

    • It still says "unrecognized text" when I type cd usr

      David(THE DAVID)

    • Do you delete the first little bit of I:> ?

      Whose cruel idea was it to put an 'S' in lisp?

    • yes. When I press post, it changes it to |:> and says unrecognized text.

      David(THE DAVID)

    • This may be a silly thing, but it sounds to me like you are not in the text entry box. Try pushing tab before starting to type, or pointing your mouse at the text box. Maybe this is not your probelm, but I did have some trouble with that before I realised....


    • I got it to work! You don't delete the |:> thing at all. You just write the stuff after it.(no space) 🙂

      You were faking it? I was following you the whole time!