Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Need Help w/bank mission

      7 11 283

      i need help with the bank mission where u have to transfer money from a certain account to a particular company(the one that gave u the mission). I think Network Industries gave me the mission and they say "access Andrew Forrests's account and transfer his balance to us."
      so i hacked into his account and didnt know where to transfer the money to so i hacked into network industries bank and wrote down a random account and then transfered andrew forrest's balance to that random bank account and when i tried to reply to the mission email it says that i havent completed the mission. WHAT DO I DO???????? :frown:


    • They want to know Andrew's balance.
      So, you just check this number, write it in the "reply" email body, and send.

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    • maybe i wasn't clear in my first email but actually they WANT his balance and um i kinda sent it to someone at their bank thinking they would take it or something and i didnt earase the transaction log so i might have just messed up the mission and framed someone for theft. any other suggestions?


    • Quote

      Originally posted by junkie:
      **maybe i wasn't clear in my first email but actually they WANT his balance and um i kinda sent it to someone at their bank thinking they would take it or something and i didnt earase the transaction log so i might have just messed up the mission and framed someone for theft. any other suggestions?


      If you still have the access numbers, hack back in and send it to the account number that was provided in the mission description. If that does not work, send it back to the original account, and then to the destination account. DO NOT delete the logs until after you reply (if at all). But DO delete the logs that could trace you (ie: InterNIC).

      Otherwise... abandon, take the rating hit and move on. Also, are you SURE that they want the balance transferred to them? I have never encountered that in a mission. usually they just want to know the balance - and to do that you out the balance (ie: 1234) in the reply body text EXACTLY as it appears in the bank account - no need to add 'credits' either.

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    • This is a very interesting situation, one that requires much elopuence in a suitable explanation.
      To put it in the most cultured and understanding way possible:
      You're screwed.
      At least, I'm pretty sure. If you wrote down the account that you transferred it to, you could take it from there, or, I'm assuming that you could just give them the same amount of money from your own account.

      But that would be stupid. 😛

      If you give a mouse a cyanide laced cookie...

    • I think ringwraith was right actually. They probably just want to know how many credits are in the account becasue they didnt give me a account number to transfer the money to. But it doesn't matter anyway cuz i got a little carried away when I tried to steal some money from the bank having the admin passes and such and everyones account numbers but I got caught and my account is gone so I guess I have to start over. But thanks for all the help, next time I get this kind of mission I'll know what to do. 🙂


    • Quote

      Originally posted by junkie:
      **I think ringwraith was right actually. They probably just want to know how many credits are in the account becasue they didnt give me a account number to transfer the money to. But it doesn't matter anyway cuz i got a little carried away when I tried to steal some money from the bank having the admin passes and such and everyones account numbers but I got caught and my account is gone so I guess I have to start over. But thanks for all the help, next time I get this kind of mission I'll know what to do.:)


      Ouch. I hate it when that happens... But that is also the reason I use the InterNIC server for my first jump and then delete the bounce log and the admin login log. It keeps the passive traces away.

      "Always listen to the experts. They will tell you what can't be done, and why. Then do it."
      - The Notebooks of Lazarus Long
      There are things more annoying than using MS Windows... but I can never remember what they are.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Ringwraith:
      **Ouch. I hate it when that happens... But that is also the reason I use the InterNIC server for my first jump and then delete the bounce log and the admin login log. It keeps the passive traces away.


      Yeah. And banks do passive trace very very quickly ... I've had them catch me while still online with no active trace at all.


    • you must not be uber-l337 to not know of the "bank donation" mission. You were supposed to disable or bypass the proxy on the bank with the account that the funds are transferred from and transfer money from that account to the other account they specify in the e-mail. Of course, if you didn't accept the "donation" mission then i'm wrong.

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    • I once had a 'hack into bank account and tell us the balance' mission where the target was one of MY bank accounts. They wanted me to hack into myself!

      Whats odd is that when I got the mission I had 0c in that account. But because I had waited a long time to finish, In the mean time I had hacked into another account (which I learned from a trace large money transfer) and had stolen the 1,000,000c and it was keeping a low profile in that bank account. So I looked at my financial screen and told them what the account had had (0c) They claimed it was wrong so I told what it does have (1000000c) and they gave me my pay. Never even got in trouble.

      Anyone else ever had missions against themselves?

      But why on earth do they pay you >10,000 to hack into some guys account and send them as little as 500 credits? Sometimes its in the hundreds of thousands, but why they trust you to do that also confounds me. Steal a half million and give it to someone else and get payed 10grand.

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    • Quote

      Originally posted by Rick_Hardslab:

      Anyone else ever had missions against themselves?

      But why on earth do they pay you >10,000 to hack into some guys account and send them as little as 500 credits? Sometimes its in the hundreds of thousands, but why they trust you to do that also confounds me. Steal a half million and give it to someone else and get payed 10grand.


      Yeah, I had to hack my own account once, mine was still at 0. Easiest job I ever had.

      It beats me what their motivation is, especially when if you answer incorrectly, they know it. If they already know the answer, why pay someone to find out?
