Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • What is the MULTIMONOTOR

      6 9 326

      In the options section, what is the MULTIMONOTOR option?

      Now where was that
      torpedo? AHHHHH!!!

    • Quote

      Originally posted by High Caliber:
      **In the options section, what is the MULTIMONOTOR option?


      That's for the lucky people who have more than one monitor on their system.


    • Then why does it ask for IP address?


    • I think there was something about this in the FAQ (sorry, no link). Basically, it requires two computers on a local network running Uplink and one set as some sort of slave and one as a master. The slave acts as an external monitor of sorts.

      By the way, does "MULTIMONOTOR" mean something along the lines of "many one pile of rocks on the top of a hill"? You really need to learn some basic spelling or at least to run a spell checker.

      Ignorance is bliss, but knowledge is power.

    • I don't have a spell checker unless you want me to type this in Appleworks or something.

      Now where was that
      torpedo? AHHHHH!!!

    • command semicolon

      "He has a company that makes computers. Or a computer that makes companies. Anyway, you wouldn't understand."-Homer

    • Quote

      Originally posted by joethebarber:
      **command semicolon


      I believe that only works if you are running Safari. Those people who are running Internet Explorer are out of luck. Besides, there's no reason to come down on someone so hard just because they spelled one thing wrong. Everyone makes spelling misstakes once in a while 😉

      Research shows that 3 out of 4 people make up 75% of the population

      (url="http://"")My website(/url). | (url="http://"")OmG! WhAt If ThErE wAs An Ev ThAt WaS MuLtIpLaYeR?(/url) | (url="http://"")The Happy Animatronic Children Website(/url)

    • I know. 🙂 But he did spell it wrong twice in a row, which indicates a lack of understanding of the correct spelling. Enough of this already; we're off topic now and some bored moderator 🙂 is probably going to smite this topic.

      Ignorance is bliss, but knowledge is power.

    • Well, I am probably 5 years or so younger then all of you guys.

      Now where was that
      torpedo? AHHHHH!!!