Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • RevelationCore(Spoilers)

      4 7 427

      I've finally finished tracing the path back to the top agent's computer to get his copy of RevelationCore0.7. The problem is that, now that I've got it, I don't have the slightest clue as to what it's for. It's not an application, so I can't run it, and it isn't a datafile for anything that I've got. What does it do?

      MU* addict

    • Maybe just nothing.

      I've never been able to enter a personal computer. Could you explain me how ?

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      STraven, creator of (url="http://";=plugins&display;=date&file;=outfits_enabler_v1.1.sit")Outfit Enabler(/url).

    • Quote

      Originally posted by STraven:
      **Maybe just nothing.

      I've never been able to enter a personal computer. Could you explain me how ?

      I doubt that it would be completely useless, given the effort it takes to find it. The computer in question is a special case, since most pcs don't allow external connections. This one was set to do so by its creator so that someone would be able to access the file contained in it.

      MU* addict

      (This message has been edited by Kelsan (edited 07-03-2003).)

    • I have the mission to send revelation to the place I was supposed to test it on. I did that, but I want to test revelation on some unimportant computer system like matrix. You copy into their file server, and then enter what from the console? Also, how do you get out of the console besides disconnection?

      That wedge of cheese
      can't hurt anyone! So
      don't dread it - it even
      says not to

    • Quote

      Originally posted by disco:
      I have the mission to send revelation to the place I was supposed to test it on. I did that, but I want to test revelation on some unimportant computer system like matrix. You copy into their file server, and then enter what from the console? Also, how do you get out of the console besides disconnection?

      Run Revelation. For the second question, just type 'exit'.

      MU* addict

    • you have to type in:
      cd usr
      run revelation


    • Thanks

      That wedge of cheese
      can't hurt anyone! So
      don't dread it - it even
      says not to