Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • "Uplink Online" from Introversion server

      2 3 562

      While i was reading the introversion server's information, it talked about a possible "Uplink Online" for Uplink 2.
      This is a pretty cool idea, however, there could be problems.
      1. Hackers that would just register could be destroyed very easily by more experienced or hackers with more software.
      2. The Uplink ISS would frequently be shutdown by hackers, resulting in people not being to accept missions. This would have to be prevented by making the UISS un-hackable.

      A few ideas are:
      1. Having several hackers unions, such as "Uplink Hackers Union", "Pfhor Hackers Union", "Jrbussiness Hackers Union" and so on and so fourth. This would create like some sort of clan type thing, where you would work for companies to make money, use it to buy software, and try to destroy the other unions. (This would not applay to #2 above)
      2. The Internal Services system of each would be some sort of LAN, meaning members of each group would buy defensive systems to protect their gateways, servers, ect.(Such as locks, wireless radio transmitters)
      3. There would be some sort of "President" of each group that controls the clan"
      4. (Kind of a problem) There would have to be a moderator of the Real world server that would have to watch over the Uplink world server.

      I have more, but my fingers are tired.
      Feel Free to post.
      And no flamewars

      rning:! Error with Server)
      Conection Terminated By

    • I don't think you were supposed to give away the secret data at the Introversion server.

      Anyhow, post this at (url="http://"")IV's forums(/url). They are the developers.

      "If I had only known, I would have been a locksmith."
      -- Albert Einstein

    • .

      (This message has been edited by Computer_Man (edited 07-01-2003).)