Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Wide spread bank info active?

      5 13 261

      Though the topic is kinda misleading(sorta) my question is:
      Does the Bank account numbers and passwords stay the same for all the games?
      (ex.: Network Energy Associations Bank-"so-and-so" accno=216970 password=whisperd Balance=602177 credits) is this information shared throughout everyone's uplink game data?

      Deep into that
      darkness peering,
      long I stood there,
      wondering, fearing,

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Hacker_999Omega:
      **Though the topic is kinda misleading(sorta) my question is:
      Does the Bank account numbers and passwords stay the same for all the games?
      (ex.: Network Energy Associations Bank-"so-and-so" accno=216970 password=whisperd Balance=602177 credits) is this information shared throughout everyone's uplink game data?


      No. The password and accounts and everything are all generated randomly when you create a new user.


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    • Dang, I spent all that time hacking into everybank on the game that I could, while I was unregistered, and write down(on paper) everyone's account numbers, passwords, and balances. Oh well, since I did, in a sense, steal money from uplink I lost all my ranks. When I had gotten the ARC mission and got rich off that(550670 credits) I then bought the max amount of stuff that I could, and hacked into all the banks for information, that raised my uplink rating from lowest to highest(don't know why) and I spent one hour hacking into all the banks, call bouncing, monitor bypass, proxy bypass, logdeleting (InterNIC, the Bank admin), voice analysing, decyphering, password breaking, trace tracking, writing information, going into everyones bank account for information and writing that down, sometimes steal money, deleting transfer logs,etc.
      Oh well, it was fun ( and there is what you need to break into banks,writing optional)
      Ok one more question for you though, do I have to start a brand new file when I register? or am I able to continue my un registered file?

      Deep into that
      darkness peering,
      long I stood there,
      wondering, fearing,

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Hacker_999Omega:
      **Dang, I spent all that time hacking into everybank on the game that I could, while I was unregistered, and write down(on paper) everyone's account numbers, passwords, and balances. Oh well, since I did, in a sense, steal money from uplink I lost all my ranks. When I had gotten the ARC mission and got rich off that(550670 credits) I then bought the max amount of stuff that I could, and hacked into all the banks for information, that raised my uplink rating from lowest to highest(don't know why) and I spent one hour hacking into all the banks, call bouncing, monitor bypass, proxy bypass, logdeleting (InterNIC, the Bank admin), voice analysing, decyphering, password breaking, trace tracking, writing information, going into everyones bank account for information and writing that down, sometimes steal money, deleting transfer logs,etc.
      Oh well, it was fun ( and there is what you need to break into banks,writing optional)
      Ok one more question for you though, do I have to start a brand new file when I register? or am I able to continue my un registered file?


      I believe there is some problems with using an un-registered user wth a registered game..

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    • I'm sorry, I dont understand if you are saying I have to start over or what?
      Please say directly what you mean.

      Deep into that
      darkness peering,
      long I stood there,
      wondering, fearing,

    • Sorry,

      Coming from my experience of geting it registered a few days ago, you will have to make a brand new account when you get it registered because if you dont, you will have no acess to the Registered features.

      rning:! Error with Server)
      Conection Terminated By

    • Okay thank you, I get to start completely over and hack everybank, again, that will, most likely, take me longer and I will go all the way back to square one, not really, but I can check out the registered stuff.
      Go me!!
      I dont have to re-download uplink do I?
      oh nevermind I can find out myself.
      Thank you everyone for your help.
      If you want, you can write extra information for everyone to read.

      Deep into that
      darkness peering,
      long I stood there,
      wondering, fearing,

    • The only thing people who registered and use an unregistered user cant do is use the stock market. Also, you will notice the list of banks is even different for most users.

      Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without your accordian.
      "You're dumb." -Rawzer to whitedevil and whitedevil2

    • ok thank you for the information but what is the stock market for?
      sorry if im asking too many questions.

      Deep into that
      darkness peering,
      long I stood there,
      wondering, fearing,

    • Quote

      Originally posted by SlaVitiCkus:
      **The only thing people who registered and use an unregistered user cant do is use the stock market. Also, you will notice the list of banks is even different for most users.


      I also noticed that on mine i couldnt buy better gateways

      rning:! Error with Server)
      Conection Terminated By

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Hacker_999Omega:
      **ok thank you for the information but what is the stock market for?
      sorry if im asking too many questions.


      Same thing as real life. Buy low, sell high. Make some money. Only changes every month, though.

      Is there any way to buy more than the default click at a time? (I think it is 100, I'm not sure)

      Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without your accordian.
      "You're dumb." -Rawzer to whitedevil and whitedevil2

    • So are you saying that I may have the power to disrupt the stocks balance and make everything free and allow the financial balance to go into utter chaos?
      If so i'm gonna have alot of fun.

      Deep into that
      darkness peering,
      long I stood there,
      wondering, fearing,

    • I guess maybe you could make their prices go down by destroying their entire computer network i suppose....

      (careful which one you destroy)

      YAH! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

      My 50th post (fireworks and whisling and confetti and applause)

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