Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Post your LAN(Local Area Network) problems here!

      9 11 300

      I am tired of all the posts for lan problems and help. Put you Lan bugs or whatever they are here.
      rning:! Error with Server)
      Conection Terminated By

      (This message has been edited by Computer_Man (edited 06-11-2003).)

    • I don't know if this is a bug or whether I just am not acting quick enough or doing something wrong, but I got a mission to hack into the Transcendent Microsystems LAN and copy some files, which I did. The problem is that I get caught afterwards no matter what, and get disvowed. I have tried deleting the logs in the LAN manually and with the console. I also tried deleting them at various points along the way. (I know I'm not getting caught for this.) The admin kicks me off several times while doing the mission each time I try, but the active trace only gets up to about 30%, so I don't see how this would affect it. Is it just me? Should I just abandon the mission?

      *I think I know what the problem was. I didn't delete my logs after every attempt at the LAN.

      (This message has been edited by isalhala (edited 06-11-2003).)

      (This message has been edited by isalhala (edited 06-11-2003).)

    • The are 3 things that can happen when hacking lans:

      1. An Active trace, caused by using password breaker or begin use of an admin account.

      2. A passive trace, can be prevented by using InterNIC as your first bounce point and clear your logs there.

      3. The Admin Disconecting you.

      Immeditly after you are disconected by the Admin, connect to(InterNIC hopefully) and delete your logs there.

      If that doesnt work, after you are disavowed, log back into your account and see what you were disavowed for.

      rning:! Error with Server)
      Conection Terminated By

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Computer_Man:
      I am tired of all the posts for lan problems and help. Put you Lan bugs or whatever they are here.

      Where do you enter the frequency for a wireless transmitter? I hacked the terminal, got the freq, connected to transmitter and all i see is a black box and two arrows for scan higher/lower freq. Is this a bug?


    • Quote

      Originally posted by Singing Bird:
      **Where do you enter the frequency for a wireless transmitter? I hacked the terminal, got the freq, connected to transmitter and all i see is a black box and two arrows for scan higher/lower freq. Is this a bug?


      press those buttons to scan...

    • Well, once you know the frequency you find the transmitter and click "Connect". It'll then give you a place were you can select the frequency. Once the correct one is goes through a little connection sequence and it'll take you to the next part on the lan automaticly.

      Lans are defintly fun.


    • Thanks for the help, guys. Got it fixed now. It was a problem with the skin that im using.


    • Three Questions:

      1. What the $%^& is the Spoof for?

      2. Ok, I got this mission where I'm supposed to get into the logs. The LAN central mainframe is right there by the external connection hub, but when I try to connect some yellow boxes pop up that read "Controlled By". Ok, I assume that these are locks that need to be opened before I can connect to the Mainframe. I find my way around to two of the locks and Force them open. However, there is no link to the third lock. None, zip, zilch, nada.

      3. Is there any way to open a Lock without alerting the System Adm?

      Also, I have highest version of all four LAN tools.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by KJK150:
      **Three Questions:

      1. What the $%^& is the Spoof for?

      2. Ok, I got this mission where I'm supposed to get into the logs. The LAN central mainframe is right there by the external connection hub, but when I try to connect some yellow boxes pop up that read "Controlled By". Ok, I assume that these are locks that need to be opened before I can connect to the Mainframe. I find my way around to two of the locks and Force them open. However, there is no link to the third lock. None, zip, zilch, nada.

      3. Is there any way to open a Lock without alerting the System Adm?

      Also, I have highest version of all four LAN tools.**

      1. Some things on some LANs require you to be a part of a subnet in order to access them. You can spoof a system on that subnet to fool the system into thinking you are that subnet, thereby allowing access.

      2. It's probably somewhere, keep looking.

      3. Authentication Servers and Isolation Bridges both control the status of locks. If you hack them, you can control the locks.

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      If it's just a game, and life is all a game, then isn't the game real life?

    • I can do LANs just fine, in fact I find them kinda fun/interesting. But, the problem with me is, I can't seem to access the mainframe without getting the sysadmin all pissy and such. I've tried spoofing as every single system on the LAN, but whenever I connect it says "External Connection Permitted. Your IP is logged" and then the sysadmin logs on. He never catches me, but its a pain to have a time limit. Will I always have to beat the clock? Or is there a way to spoof that I don't know of, which will let me get in all secret-like?


      (edited by mrxak: There are younger members on these forums. Please do not post that URL.)

      (This message has been edited by mrxak (edited 06-19-2003).)

    • I think you are always racing against time.

      Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without your accordian.
      "You're dumb." -Rawzer to whitedevil and whitedevil2