From Modlink's guide:
To start with, you will need to break into the computer of the company that hired you, as they do not give you sufficient access to view the logs. Once you are into the system you are told in the mission statement, enter the Logs. On the email, there will be a date and time that the hack occurred. This isn't the actual time, this is the time they first noticed it. Look though the logs, and look for the one with the closest date BEFORE the one you are given. This will be the log you need to trace. Use the Log UnDeleter on that log, note down the IP and the time/date of the log, and disconnect. Enter the IP you noted down into the IP Lookup to add it to your links. Now break into that system, enter the logs, and look for a log that has the same date as the one you noted down (It should be a bounce log). Use the Log UnDeleter on that log, and note down the FIRST IP on the bounce log (the 'From' IP). Disconnect from the system, and repeat this process until you get to a Personal Computer. Reply to the mail, adding the name of the person who owns the computer to the mail.
Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without your accordian.
"You're dumb." -Rawzer to whitedevil and whitedevil2