... to get money from robbing banks? I got one of the "investigate loan" missons, so I hacked a bank to get his password. While inside, I used the pause feature to copy down login/pass of all users in the bank. Once the mission was completed, I logged back in and entered all the accounts (this does not cause a trace, because I had the passwords), checked the balance and recent transactions. One of the accounts had a balance of 800'000. I disabled the proxy, transfered the money to my own account in the same bank and deleted the logs. I then moved the money on to my uplink account, deleted the logs again and logged of with some 30s to spare.
My point is - I got some 6000 for the original hacking mission, the one where I shoudl check the loan. Most accounts had more in them than that, and that hack was so much easier. Even if I hadn't found the 800'000 - I assume this was luck - I woudl have netted a lot of cash from my little bank robbery. I haven't even registered yet, and I already have more cash than it seems I'll ever need.