Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Avoiding the main story

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      How does one avoid the main plotline completely (preferably without having to abandon missions)? I am unregistered and would like to simply hack for the shear pleasure and profit of it. Since I can't finish the storyline, I would prefer not to start just yet. Any ideas?

      "Always listen to the experts. They will tell you what can't be done, and why. Then do it."
      - The Notebooks of Lazarus Long
      There are things more annoying than using MS Windows... but I can never remember what they are.
      Obligatory (url="http://"")"E"(/url) Link.

    • If you just ignore the emails then the plot will just go on by itself. You cannot keep the plot from happening, but you can choose to not take part in it. 🙂

      (url="http://"")The Uplink Directory(/url)

    • How do I participate? I got the email about the ARC server and such, but I'm not sure what's supposed to happen next, and it's been a while...


    • Connect to the ARC server the agent sent you, try to connect with the password the agent sent (it is automatically shown on the server), it will not work, but if you keep your logs intact, they will contact you saying you seem like an agent they want to hire.

      And just dont do that to avoid the storyline

      EDIT--ringwraith, if I remember, the Introversion demo does the storyline start completely different. If you are using that demo, switch to ambrosia's. I think with the introversion one if you just delete the email you wont have to do the missions

      Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without your accordian.
      "You're dumb." -Rawzer to whitedevil and whitedevil2

      (This message has been edited by SlaVitiCkus (edited 06-05-2003).)