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    • InterNIC vs Uplink Test Server?

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      Hi there, first-time poster, long-time lurker.

      I"ve got about 10 hours logged on Uplink, I have a decent grasp of what's going on. I've got a question though.

      What is the preferred first bounce, InterNIC or the Uplink Test Server? I've been using the UTS, and it seems to be working for me.

      InterNIC: After hack, log straight in, click admin, type in pass, click logs, delete bounce and admin access log.

      Pro: No Trace
      Con: A few clicks and have to actually type in admin pass every time.

      Uplink Test Server: After hack, bounce from Uplink Internal Services and Uplink Bank. Click Start Test, Click admin/pass, click logs, delete bounce log.

      Pro: Don't have to type anything
      Con: Have to make a bounce or two.

      I prefer to use the Uplink Test Server simply because I don't have to type in the admin pass after every hack.

      Other than personal preference and a vauge feel for what is best, is there any true bennefit to one over the other? I read one guy post that after he destroyed a computer bouncing through InterNIC (and deleting those logs immediately) that he got caught. This could be a mistake though.

      So what do you guys think?



    • I have always used the UTM, but the choice is yours. I use the UTM because if you by some strange chance get caught, nothing will happen.

      Trust is a weakness.
      Have Faith , the Revelation is coming.

    • InterNIC has not trace so I always use it, and like any server you use as your first bounce if you delete logs there within time and with the highest level Log Deleter you will be untraceable. The deal with having to type in the pass is annoying, but I always use a bit of a cheat that removes the password from InterNIC so that I don't have to bother with it. 🙂

      (url="http://"")The Uplink Directory(/url)

    • What do you mean by a bit of a cheat?

      I usually don't bother with cheats until long after I'm done with a game, but somehting like that would really be more of a convenience than a cheat.



    • InterNIC has the added bonus of being a Government-owned server. If you read the Help section in Uplink Internal Services, you'll notice that Government servers will be relatively resistant to inquiries as to who has been on their servers, therefore they are good passive trace slowdowns. Uplink Corp, on the other hand, is, in my opinion, not a good passive trace slowdown as they are a very publicly viewn company. They would much rather cooperate to avoid unnecessary trouble.

      It kind of balances out. Gov't servers are usually fast on the active trace but slow on the passive, and the reverse is true for the Uplink ones. At least that's how I perceive it.

      Disclaimer: In cases of
      major discrepancy, it's
      always Reality that's got it

    • I use InterNIC. It doesn't trace you, and after only a few times doing it you have the password completely memorized and can type it in rapidly without thinking.

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    • I use the InterIC, they dont trace you, there are less logs and like it was said before, no one suspects goverment sites as much.

      Trust is a weakness
      -Officialy been waiting since may 9th for mac version uplink 🙂

    • The problem I had with getting caught after using internic was that I was deleting all the log entries, instead of just the "routed to..." and "admin..." entries. Once I switched to not deleting the "established connection" and "connection closed" entries, I didn't get caught. (also, to be fair, I may have simply made a mistake and not noticed.)

      What's the method for bypassing the password-typing deal on the InterNIC?


    • i hadnt even considered using InterNIC, i always just used the UTC. havent had any problems yet so i see no reason to switch 😛

      "So, to those who would point to the views championed in Lord of the Flies, that humankind's violent nature is innate and will ultimately cause its downfall - to them I say: not with the kids I see every day."--Tim Comolli, My High School's Imaging Lab Director

    • I use INIC, because there is no need to worrie about bounces or traces. i get the password memorized pretty fast.... its mallough this time.... sounds funny.


    • lol..mallough....mine is rosebud, which i kinda find funny because, anybody who plays The Sims will know, rosebud is a cheat in the Sims....its just kinda wierd...

      (url="http://"") <~~ Check out my latest CGE project!!!

      (This message has been edited by bodadem (edited 06-02-2003).)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by bodadem:
      **lol..mallough....mine is rosebud, which i kinda find funny because, anybody who plays The Sims will know, rosebud is a cheat in the Sims....its just kinda wierd...

      Somehow I seriously doubt it was a reference to The Sims. In fact, I think both were referring to the same thing.

      coughCitizen Kanecough

    • Lol I got rosebud the first time but on my current agent the password is "annoyanc"
      or at least close to that. It's annoying because I always want to add an E on at the end

      Splendid famous person quote I am currently enthralled with- "History is the version of past events that people have decided to agree upon"
      -Napoleon Bonaparte

    • I'm thinking about a small utility that removes the InterNIC password from user files... You would need to know the password first, naturally.

      I am both worried and saddened by nationwide news of increasing rates of anxiety and depression.
      The creator of RedshirtX and GatewayX (not yet public)

    • I've found another bennefit to using InterNIC, rather than UTM for your first bounce.

      You can use the UTM for one of the later bounces, and since it has admin account on it, it slows down the active trace.

      I like to have all of my admin account servers at the end of the bounce path, then any no account servers. It causes the active trace to take longer for the first half.

      I've noticed that if you can get out of the server before the active trace hits the 50% mark, you don't lose the admin account on any of your bounces.


    • I generally use (that is delete all my bounces) the Academic Database because it is so easy to hack and I can usually keep an admin account there(for a while).

      Oh and do any of you ever link through voice phone systems? I do all the time and I wondered if you leave a bounce log on there because I don't see how you could.

      Yaaaaaaaawwwwwwwnnnnnn nyurp nyrup
      Yet another day goes by!?!

    • Well InterNARC is just about done. I'm gonna put the final coat of polish on it, and upload.

      I am both worried and saddened by nationwide news of increasing rates of anxiety and depression.
      The creator of RedshirtX and GatewayX (not yet public)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Adriac
      Well InterNARC is just about done. I'm gonna put the final coat of polish on it, and upload.

      Am i wrong in assuming this is the thing you said about getting rid of the InterNIC Admin Password? If it is, would u mind posting when this is uploaded, as i wont be quite interested in this...Thanks

      (url="http://"") <~~ Check out my latest CGE project!!!

    • Very strange, I always use InterNic..I sign on to it, delete ALL my logs, and sign off. Never once have been caught when I delete my logs...

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