Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • You've been framed....

      4 7 417

      I'm having serious problems with certain framing missions. I have an Uplink Rating of 3, and I still can't get them to work. I can do most of the data destruction ones fine, but the bank ones are getting annoying. I usually break into the system (using bypassers), then change the IP of the incriminating logs to the target's IP. Then I disconnect, log back on and modify the 'connection closed' line. I've tried hacking in with basic Disable tools and making transfers which should look suspicious. No matter what, the arrest which should happen never appears in the news, and sometimes the bank dosn't even notice they've been hacked (probably when using bypassers). Can anyone give me a pointer? It dosn't really matter any more since i'm well past the Uplink Rating for those missions, but it annoys me.

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    • Sort of interesting since I have trouble with the data destruction framing and think the banks are a cinch! 🙂 Maybe we can help each other out... For the bank missions you should only use about three bounce points (less than 25 sec.) Do NOT use any bypasser (or they'll never know you where there), just try to break the password with the password breaker, this will trigger the active trace, Immediately disconnect. Log onto Internic as admin, modify the bounce log so that the originating IP is the one given in the mission brief instead of 127.0
      Delete the admin access log of yours and presto.. Go to the news and wait..

      Now that I have your attention. How do you do the data destruction missions? I get the news to say that a hacker crashed the target system but they never seem to find the "culprit" . I go about the data destruction missions similar to the bank hacking, what do you do differently?

      Also as a follow up, how did you get to level three? I've been struggling with reaching levels five and four. Are you just doing a lot of missions and it just takes longer to reach higher levels (would make sense) or do you concentrate more on hacking into banks and other high security systems (such as LANs and mainframes)?

      Thanks for the help



    • Data destruction - in my experience, these only work if you delete some of the files manually....if you do all of them from the console it dosn't work (i've experimented - a lot). To start with treat it as a normal data-destroying mission - it dosn't matter whether you use bypassers or not since you will be detected anyway - which is good 🙂 Destroy the data - keeping the above in mind - and disconnect. Reconnect, modify the appropriate logs so they 'point' to the target, cover any tracks you leave and get out. The arrest should happen now, shortly after the corporation announces its files have been destroyed.

      Getting Ranks - In 2 words, hack banks. Just by doing standard missions you will find some accounts which have huge amounts of money in them. As well as this, seek profitable accounts out. Perform a standard money transfer, through a few bounce accounts if you want to be safe, covering your tracks as you go. Make sure the money ends up in your current account. Make sure you delete the transfer logs (you don't need to worry about connection logs though). Once you have completely covered your tracks you will probably jump an Uplink Rank or 2.... after stealing 900000c in this way I jumped from 7 to 5. Repeat many times 🙂

      Thanks for the advice on the bank fraud framing missions....hopefully I'll be able to do them now. Hope this info is useful.

      By the definition of
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      world's population are
      below average

    • For the data destruction ones you need to bring down the whole server. Use the console with the following commands:

      cd sys
      cd ..
      cd usr
      (the next one is optional, do it if you have enough time)
      cd ..
      cd log
      (the last one is mandatory)

      Disconnect and go to your first bounce point (I use InterNIC) and reconnect. Hack the Admin account and delete your connection log (including the one that shows your got in as Admin).

      Then connect to the Uplink Internal Systems Server and watch for the news to appear that "X" Corporation suffered a server loss. Then reply to the job. I have eever had a problem with this method.

      (edit: fixed spelling error (I AM the Grammar Nazi!) /edit)
      "Always listen to the experts. They will tell you what can't be done, and why. Then do it."
      - The Notebooks of Lazarus Long
      There are things more annoying than using MS Windows... but I can never remember what they are.
      Obligatory (url="http://"")"E"(/url) Link.

      (This message has been edited by Ringwraith (edited 05-31-2003).)

    • I'm having extreem dificulty with bank fraud missions. I hack into the bank, do something and get out. THen I go back and change the logs to the target person't computer and leave. I also added bank fraud to the global criminal database. I waited almost 4 months, and nothing happens. What gives?

      "If your armor is >70% after battle, you are not a true warrior" -Me
      "God does not play dice" -Albert Einstein
      "Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. THAT'S relativity." -Albert Einstein
      Et je dirai: "C'est la vie!"

    • Interesting.. 🙂

      OK thanks for the tips silversteel. I've been using the console mode to just bring the server down.. Like you said, it doesn't work, I'll try the manual delete and see if they finally catch the framed culprit. I hope your bank framing missions now work :). Before I forget, I'll just hack more banks and transfer some funds to my accounts and hope my rating takes a leap.

      Ringwraith: Thanks for giving me the console commands. Of course because my explanation was bad, your effort for the commands was not needed :redface:.. My problem wasn't with taking a server down but making the system admin find the "framed" culprit. Sorry about that my bad!

      phoenix 9000: If I read your post correctly you go back to the bank and change the log, by that time though the bank admin has already passed this server in the passive trace. You should modify the log on your first bounce point that should do the trick.


    • Ringwraith: I mean the data destruction framing missions, not just the basic destruction ones 🙂

      By the definition of
      'average', half of the
      world's population are
      below average