BigCythraCheater: Sure!!
What's you e-mail address?
Originally posted by Globzilla:
**I'm not aschaaf_86, but we need all the levels we can get! But, what I really posted for is this: I just thought up and started making a great level called The Steelworks! It has many rewards such as steel stuff like Ice Picks, and great rewards such as crystals of all types! By the way, are _______ Capacity Increase Crystals in bonuses?
Not the Ice Pick! That's from the Ice Kingdom!
And it'll have to be a Ninth Kingdom level.
Also, for compatibility with Delusions of Mediocrity, the amount of Max Magic/Health (You called them " _______ Capacity Increase Crystals") crystals will need to be limited.
Most people are swindled into believing stupid things like Santa, the Tooth Fairy, God(s), etc.
They later side with common sense and stop believing in most of them.
Yet most refuse to let go of the ridiculous notion of the existence of God(s).