I have seen a reference to a file called Gamebible.zip which supposedly has some info regarding the game. Does anyone know where this file is located?
I have seen a reference to a file called Gamebible.zip which supposedly has some info regarding the game. Does anyone know where this file is located?
Hmm... I saw it mentioned somewhere also. Even a Google search doesn't give a site with the downloadable gamebible.zip. Anyway, it's password protected. It contains the full game (no purchase necessary, I believe). You must decode the password to get into it...
(edit) Some sites say it's on the CD. Whether it's on the Uplink CD or Bonus CD, I don't know. Either way, I've got both, and it's nowhere... At least, not on Ambrosia's... (/edit)
Keep what ye c'n git, an' keep what ye ha'e, for that is the wey t' gettin' rich - Old Scottish Commoner Saying - "Mac users are loyal. PC users are stubborn
Gamebible.zip is a password-protected zip archive that comes with the disc.
It does not include the full game.
I am both worried and
saddened by nationwide
news of increasing rates of
anxiety and depression.
The Ambrosia disc or the Introversion disc?
Ambrosia has no disc
I am both worried and
saddened by nationwide
news of increasing rates of
anxiety and depression.
Gamebible can be found in the Bonus CD materials available in the "add-ons" section of the Uplink home page. haven't dug in there myself for the gamebible itself among all the other files, but it's there. It was previously a with purchase-only kind of thing, so most web board ref's in other uplink forums consisted of don't ask, don't tell.
Look for posts form mrxak and others regarding the Gamebible and RedShirtX, the second item is an application that will help you access the files.
(edited by mrxak to fix spelling of his name)
How do you like your Manticore..regular or extra-crispy?
(This message has been edited by mrxak (edited 05-29-2003).)
I've been trying to use Redshirt to decode the Book 2 stuff, or something, but I can't get it to do anything except make it a file full of gibberish, even if it was gibberish to start with. What am I supposed to do?
"The secret of success is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake those, you've got it made." -Groucho Marx
(url="http://"http://homepage.mac.com/ephrin/nemo/")My crappy site(/url)
The Bonus Disk has Book 2 of the gamebible
To unlock it, you need to use a OTP program, and listen to the music of the world