Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Is anyone still out there?

      11 12 317

      Just asking

      I always find myself coming back here, hoping to see something. To read something, from people who obviously, like me, keep hoping to see some glimmer of hope in the future. Mac Aran had us all going for a while. I know he said he took a few months off due to health issues, and then just disappeared, I hope he is well and nothing unthinkable has happened to him.

      Just getting sentimental I guess, that is why I am here.

      Anyone still out there?

      (side note, says there are many topics and discussions in the submenu, but when I load the Avara web board nothing shows up)

    • I for one am still here. I miss Avara, I miss doing all the awesome stuff that the people around for the game's release got to do, and most of all I miss the people. If The Apple Cøre, §carlet §wordfish, Ymihere, Katana, Ace Rimmer, or §carlet §torm are still out there... well, hey, let's all catch up, huh?

      And as for that side note, it's probably only loading more-recent topics, which there aren't any of. Try setting it to show all the topics from the beginning if it doesn't already.

    • That was a much quicker reply than I was expecting. Good to hear from you, and so quickly.
      I have been checking all my settings and options since I posted, and have not really found anything that will help. I just search the forum for Avara and items pop up, just have to check the subject name and select the ones accordingly.

    • I'm still watching this forum, too. I've played with 3D stuff and have gotten some interesting Avara-like stuff working, but I haven't gotten networking code working yet. Avara was such a cool game! It would make a great iPad app nowadays 🙂

    • I visit here from time to time, but to be honest while this game was in it's prime, I was in my early teens 😛 This point, I'm in my mid-20's, married, life happened. However, I do play several other games now. The user name I typically use is "ichebu", so look me up on Steam, or xbox live guys - I would love to hear from some of you.

    • I'm around... kinda. I've got the forum set to watch for new topics. ^_^
      The crew at avaraline were working on a java-based avara clone a few months back... By which I mean Dan (vertigo) was doing most of the work while the rest of us sat around oohing and ahhing and chipping in where we could. I reworked one of my hull models from aftershock. I want to do three-segment legs as most animals have, though with the bird-like proportions the original HECTOR had. Unfortunately, I got hung up on figuring out how to do bones and animation and such in Blender. There's supposedly a more user-friendly version since I last looked at it, so maybe I'll take another shot. Between confusion and bugginess in jME (java monkey engine - the physics, graphics and networking core the project was built around, which is evidently still in development itself) and my lack of progress, the project ground to a halt.
      Posted Image

    • @nitro, on 11 May 2011 - 12:28 PM, said in Is anyone still out there?:

      That was a much quicker reply than I was expecting. Good to hear from you, and so quickly.
      I have been checking all my settings and options since I posted, and have not really found anything that will help. I just search the forum for Avara and items pop up, just have to check the subject name and select the ones accordingly.

      If you go to the Avara web board, there should be a little bar that says “Click here to show filter options”. Click that.

    • I've been active, on AIM, and as the final member of the Avara Guild (as always, located at, for some time now.

      In fact, I even hosted games a while ago, but nobody was ever on. Since the in-game and microtracker are both dead, the only way to find them anymore is to go to the tracker's web address.

      I ran Classic longer than I think anyone else did, but finally my Mirrored Drive Door broke down. When I acquired an Intel iMac, it was important to me to find a way to emulate Classic games, and believe it or not, I've succeeded.

      With the power of Basilisk, I can run Avara on my new machine as well as ever. There's really no reason why this game has to stay dead, if you have the proper equipment to run it with. Since all of you are legit Classic Mac users and owners -- even if your machines are malfunctioning at present -- I don't think there's anything wrong with giving y'all a little help and maybe a kick start when it comes to setting it up.

      I doubt I'll be checking up on this forum for a long time, if ever, and I have every reason to expect I will never post here again. However, if any of you are interested in setting up an Avara emulation system, feel free to send me an email (with the email address shown at the Guild, not the address here in my profile), or post on the Avara Guild forums, which I still maintain... because I don't think a game like this ought to die.

      Safe travels.

      This post has been edited by Consul Bob : 23 May 2011 - 01:55 AM

    • I'm with you if you're ready to make Avara old style alive but maybe it could be better if it support OS X, Windows and Linus... Cheers to all Avara players

    • Nods to Consul Bob.
      Must keep our old Mac OS9 games alive and shooting.

    • I played this game after it's popularity had dwindled. I think there was a way to play against bots? It would be great if there was some way to get this one going again.

    • I traded my PowerBook for a MacBook Pro this earlier this year, and I haven't had time to try any emulators yet. I didn't have much luck last time I tried.

      Avara's 15th anniversary is coming up in a couple months. Maybe there should be an online get together to celebrate and reminisce and play.

      I still lurk in #avara on (the only one who still does.)