Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • how to play again!

      2 4 881

      This is f-white 🙂 and after feeling nostalgic I decided to try and find some of the old avara players out there! I'd love to play again but i'm running an intel mac w/o OS 9 😞 Is there anyyyyway I can get this to work?

    • Do you have access to a Quadra or Power Mac?

      Emulate a Quadra or Power Mac. As for networking with these... I can only help you with Linux. And pull your own ROM.

      This post has been edited by The Apple Cřre : 17 September 2006 - 07:39 PM

    • awww no 😞 are there people still playing and does it run at good speeds that way

    • On any of the Intel Macs, almost certainly.

      On my P3/500, Avara is playable in low-polygon levels. As for people still playing... you might try sitting in #avara.

      This post has been edited by The Apple Cřre : 17 September 2006 - 07:39 PM