Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • New level designs?

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      I'm looking for someone who is both proficient with the Avara level-making system, and able to give me a few (OK, a lot) of pointers about how to use the system with AppleWorks 6 and how to build good levels for net play. Can anyone help?

    • Don't use Appleworks to make Avara levels. It doesn't work right.
      Use some other vector-based drawing program (Question: Is your main Operating System OS 9 or X?)

    • OS 9.2. Why?

      And, I've actually found that, although AppleWorks is just a beefed-up Claris, it is actually an OK program for Avara, believe it or not. What do you suggest I use?

    • I always used a shareware drawing program called ShareDraw, I think it was. I wanted to know your OS because ShareDraw's a 9 program and I wanted to make sure I wasn't recommending a Classic program if you have OS X.
      I never got AppleWorks to work with Avara -- it had some problem with reading multiple lines as the same line or something...I dunno.

      What is it exactly that you want to know, by the way?

    • Actually, I'm not having any particular scripting or PICT problems. Instead, I need good level ideas for multiplayer and for single-player adventures (I don't think there are enough of those) so that I can actually have something to do, particularly if it gets me some publicity as a level scripter. Really, I just want to have some fun, especially if it helps revive one of the best (albeit a bit badly made as far as high-res 3D goes...) net games of all time!

      Actually, I've had more problems with the ShareDraw program than with AppleWorks. AppleWorks 6 does away with the scripting problems that plagued ClarisWorks (i.e. Object Incarnatorend).

    • -UPDATE!!!- (sorry for double posting)

      I need 5 other people who want to see Avara back in action, so I can test some of my scripting and levels. It may take a bit before they're ready, but I won't take too long. The main reason that I can't have them done any faster is that I have a website to run, and that I am up to my armpits in forums (like this one). Anyhoo, I need volunteers. Anyone?

    • I could donate my old levels I never released...

    • Sure! I'd appreciate that. But, I still need more people to try out "The Last Hurrah". Last Hurrah is a capture-the-flag game with two opposing bases, three people guarding each. I can have the level e-mailed to each of the players, but that can be sort of a pain. What do you think?

    • Upload the stuffit file of the level to the Avara add-ons page.

      This post has been edited by Robert Marlin : 03 February 2005 - 03:07 PM

    • shrugs I'd be willing to come along and play again, myself...just as long as I don't actually have to create any levels. I messed around a bit in ClarisWorks, but my levels never really got anywhere.

      -The guy who had a name involving "Crimson" who forgot it

    • Well, as most of the Avara guys know, I have quite a bit of knowledge in the area of Level Design for Avara. So, if you have any technical questions, or a "how can I do this?", just send me an e-mail.

      As for what program to use, use a copy of ClarisWorks 4. As I always say, it's best to use the application the level designing proccess was made for... ya... Plus, since I still have a legal copy of it, I might be willing to sell it to you 🙂 Just give me a holler at: and I'll be able to help ya out.

    • Pah, that's pathetic, I have a copy of MacWrite 2, fear the awesome oldschool! I'll sell that too, although I admit it's resale value is probably ~Ł0.50 ($20.00 for you americans)

      This post has been edited by FluffyWithTeeth : 05 February 2005 - 03:33 PM

    • I have MacWrite II. Best text program I've ever used in recent memory.

      -§carlet §torm

    • So, I'll upload it after it's done. The people playing so far are (and, I'll keep this post updated with everybody playing):

      1. Q-Lok
      2. Scarlet Swordfish
      3. Scarlet Storm
      4. Tycho Maudd
      5. rebelswin_85
      6. Apple Core

      This post has been edited by Q-Lok : 22 February 2005 - 11:37 AM

    • I could try to help.

    • OK, I added you. You're going to be allied with the two (as-yet-unvolunteered) other people.

    • I'll try it out.

    • I'm usually pretty busy with school, but if you give me some notice I'd be interested. I haven't played Avara in a long time... (Avara sn "Dies Irae". My email address should be in my profile.)

    • Yay! We have all 6!

      Progress: very little. If you want to see why, click on Chaos Comics in my signature. The comic I made that's taken me since early last December will be up sometime in early afternoon today. Double-sized with the most characters I've used yet, it took me forever and a day to get it done. They may look easy to mak, but they're NOT!

    • Team 2 is SO dead, thanks mainly to my (heh) skill. Can we PLEASE shuffle the list?