Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Force Fields

      6 15 2020

      Would anyone have any idea how to reliably reproduce these? I know Plastic Chicken is capable of at least some force field trickery, but he hasn't been around for a while. I ask this because of a certain thing I have in mind for an Avara level of mine-the knowledge is kinda required to build it.


    • I know that most of you don't know of the levels I have made, but I know TONS of stuff (dare I say more than PC...) about Avara level editing. Ask away, and I will tell ya... and if I can't remember, I'll pull out the 'ol manual.

    • So... Which levels have you made?

    • He made the sets Poetic Justice and Psychedelic Phuzz. Cool stuff.

      Anyway, what kind of forcefields are you trying to make and what do you want them to do?

    • I think he wants to make water/lava.

    • If he was looking to do water/lava with forcefileds, I'm assuming he is have the fields move objeects? If that is the case, set up fields with timers attached to them with random times... multiple timers on each field... all diffrent ranges, ,to give a more "random" feel, but it wont be able to do fully random. If that doesn't explain it, give an explination on here that is a bit more indepth on what it is you want, and I can do the same... maybe even post some scripting up.

    • Err, well, I believe he was looking for something a bit less complicated than that. He wants to make water using fields. I think he knows the syntax--it's rather simple. It's most likely bugs he's having trouble with (water is solid, or just doesn't appear at all, etc.). Perhaps his drawing program isn't layering things correctly? I'm hunting for a copy of clarisworks; maybe Vader could give me and Bob the program.

    • You mean like to float in the water? I think that could be done something like the trampoline in Practice Run, a little less powerful maybe.

    • Like any pool level. You see, he wants to have water as an unsolid. Understand now?

    • That one's easy: Just make a hologram of water, then put it over a hole, then put a field under it that makes the HECTOR hover. That probably didn't answer the question, did it?

    • Sorry... if you've seen my levels, I always go right for the complicated straight off. Yeah, as stated befor for a "pool", make a hologram, and then have a field that forces you upward to feel like you are floating.

      As for handing out Clarisworks, sorry, I'm unable to do that. Reasoning is that clarisworks is still under copywrite, and it would be illegal to do so. Sorry...

      If there are scripting questions on how to do the above stated, let me know, and I will tell ya how to do it.

    • I usually opt for the simple...

      object Field
      visible = true
      deltay = 0

      As a matter of fact, I think that's exactly what he's doing; I think he is having trouble with bugs, not syntax.

    • .. in that case, I'd make the fields visible until you got the bugs worked out.

    • What do visible fields look like, exactly?

    • Don't ask AC, because he doesn't know much about level designing. I think using the code I described, it should look like a normal wall, except you can walk into it ('cause it's not solid).