Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • The Avara Guild

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      Just an idea...

      Fellow Avara-ers:

      I recently was reading some of the oldest posts of the Avara forum, and I came across something interesting: Avara clans. Naturally, that put an idea into my head. "What if," I said to myself, "What if the Avara clans and the Avara Council were brought back? Would people join? Who would lead the project? How would it work?" So, I thought it through, and this is what came out. I designed it as a place to schedule games, create clans, etc. What do you all think?

      ~ Q-Lok, Reviver of the Council

      PS: Please note that the Guild is still under construction.

      This post has been edited by Q-Lok : 14 June 2005 - 03:04 PM

    • Interesting, but I'm not quite sure there would be enough to really make a clan. I'd think you'd need at least ten or so for a decent clan (three minimum, for a fullhouse team deathmatch). I think I may have seen ten on the net, tops. Eleven, if my parents let my little brother online (not likely), or if I can convince another Mac-using friend.

      My main issue with that site is that it's another Invision board site.

    • We really don't have the time at the moment to do things such as this. It might have worked in the old days, but we don't have time for it now.


    • Gaahhh... Fine. How about this? I'll build the board, get it all ready for use, and do all of that junk. You guys swing by after I say it's ready, and we'll work it out from there. Seriously, it's summer break for me. I actually have the time to do this, and no real reason not to. Just leave it to me, and I really don't even care if it dies. (begin berserk semi-flaming) I want to do this, whether you guys want me to or not! It's going to get done and there's NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT!!!! (end berserk semi-flaming) OK... You get the idea, yeah?

    • Sounds cool. It'd be something I'd join pretty quickly.

    • Thanks, Ymi.

    • Nice idea, Q-Lok.
      Wait...wasn't there a level you were going to start working on???

      Finish up your current project first.

    • I don't see this working at all.

      Clans hardly worked when there were enough people for them.

    • Katana !!!, on Jun 15 2005, 08:26 PM, said:

      Finish up your current project first.View Post

      I multitask. Sue me.

      Plastic Chicken, on Jun 15 2005, 11:20 PM, said:

      I don't see this working at all.

      Clans hardly worked when there were enough people for them.
      View Post

      You know, I really don't care. I just want to do this, good idea or not. Even if it doesn't work, which it probably won't, it's still my problem. Don't worry about it, just let me do it, 'K?

    • I sense doom, but whatever. If it did work it would be interesting. I'll be waiting.

    • Oooh dusty webboard... <cough>

    • What is that supposed to mean?

    • He's just trolling.
      By the way, I've been away from Avara this week because:

      1. There was a tsunami warning where I live.
      2. I got suspended from school for punching a kid in the face who provoked me<--I'm not violent by nature, but he deserved it.

      This post has been edited by Katana !!! : 10 October 2005 - 11:50 AM

    • Sorry for the double post. Ambrosia doesn't let you edit things.
      I think I could help you with this project of yours. Programming and security at least. Oooh a karma system would be nice. Probably take too much work though. Bottom line is, without me--your site will suck 😉 just kidding.

    • Since when don't ASW boards let you edit?

      And I will probably be back on Avara by Wednesday or Thursday. I've been in Orlando 🙂

      As for the guild board thingy... why not just use this one?

    • Robert Marlin, on Jun 18 2005, 09:19 AM, said:

      Since when don't ASW boards let you edit?

      As for the guild board thingy... why not just use this one?
      View Post

      1. Since never, apparently. Katana, what resolution are you using? Because if your browser reacts like mine, you probably just need to scroll right.

      2. Because this one isn't geared towards Guild-style activity. Plus, I found a really cool skin that I put into IF at the Guild.

    • I'd join if you finish and if I could get permission. It sounds like it would be interesting.

      I'm new here, so if I'm doing something wrong, please don't kill me. I want to win a few more games of Avara first.

    • I'll think about it when I get my 6500 replaced, which could be tomorrow or several months from today. The place where I'd get it is usually closed for some reason.

    • Welcome Ace

      I'm looking forward to having more people playing this game. Can't wait. 🆒

    • Ace Rimmer, on Jul 2 2005, 07:32 PM, said:

      I'm new here, so if I'm doing something wrong, please don't kill me. I want to win a few more games of Avara first.
      View Post

      I hear ya!

      Ymihere, on Jul 3 2005, 05:36 PM, said:

      I'm looking forward to having more people playing this game. Can't wait. 🆒
      View Post

      Boy, you're not the only one!