Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Avara 2?

      10 20 1962

      Will there an Avara 2? I'm just wondering.

      Apples rock! My two favorite games only work on a mac, EV and ARES.
      (Check out the ARES Web board, it needs you!)
      (url="http://"")Boeing(/url)|(url="http://"")Apple(/url)|(url="http://"")EVula(/url)|(url="http://"")EVWeb(/url)|(url="http://"")Matrix-XP (its not what you think)(/url)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by EVWeb:
      **Will there an Avara 2? I'm just wondering.


      Doing a search for anything regarding "update" would have told you No, there are no plans for an update to avara.

      "You're just about as useless as JPEGs to Helen Keller..."
      Weird Al's "It's All About The Pentiums"

      (This message has been edited by Taz! (edited 01-21-2004).)

    • Look, the board was going slow. I'm just trying to get some topics on it.

      Apples rock! My two favorite games only work on a mac, EV and ARES.
      (Check out the ARES Web board, it needs you!)
      (url="http://"")Boeing(/url)|(url="http://"")Apple(/url)|(url="http://"")EVula(/url)|(url="http://"")EVWeb(/url)|(url="http://"")Matrix-XP (its not what you think)(/url)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by EVWeb:
      Look, the board was going slow. I'm just trying to get some topics on it.

      We're a sensitive bunch. Just don't talk about Avara and you should be fine. 😉 It's similar to being a new poster on one of the EV boards... likely you'll bring up EV3D or EVMMRPG or something similar, and usually you'll get a tired, irritable response from moderators who spend a great deal of time answering the same questions over and over. The Avara webboard is particularly bad for this -- there's not all that much to discuss, and I swear that Taz! either locks or shoots down 1/3-1/2 of the topics started. And then there are people like me who are in love with the sound of their own voice and won't let a dead topic lie...

      Pinky, are you pondering what I am pondering?
      I think so, Brain, but if they called them sad meals, kids wouldn't buy them.

      (This message has been edited by rebelswin_85 (edited 01-21-2004).)

    • Heh.

      "You're just about as useless as JPEGs to Helen Keller..."
      Weird Al's "It's All About The Pentiums"

    • I doubt Ambrosia would work on an Avara 2, but if you really want one you should talk to Juri Munkii, the creator. I think if he saw there was enough request for Avara 2 he could think about it. He was very willing to work on an OSX compatible version of Avara, I'd ask him about a sequel.


    • Juri has (url="http://";=GEN2&Post;=165&Idle;=90&Sort;=0&Order;=Descend&Page;=0&Session;=")already stated (/url)some of the items needed to be worked on to create an OS X version of Avara, and some of the problems of undertaking such a task.

      "You're just about as useless as JPEGs to Helen Keller..."
      Weird Al's "It's All About The Pentiums"

    • Quote

      Originally posted by EVWeb:
      **Look, the board was going slow. I'm just trying to get some topics on it.


      Mmm, yeah, that's kind of the definition of the Avara board.

      The box said Windows 95 or why doesn't it work on a Mac?

    • Quote

      Juri has already stated some of the items needed to be worked on to create an OS X version of Avara, and some of the problems of undertaking such a task.

      I've got some version that loads classic in OSX and puts up some black window in the background so as to avoid clicking out of the program. Juri did it and worked on fixing some of the head movement problems. It's not a complete OSX version, but my point was just that Juri hasn't completely given up on the game. That link you gave said he didn't think there was enough market to really continue on with Avara. So that's why all I was saying was that EV should talk to Juri and let him know there's still some interest in a 7 year old game.

      All signs would point to Avara 2 being a pipe dream, but there's no reason not to dream.


    • Um, I know it would have about as much a chance of happening as a sequal, but wouldn't it be cool if Juri or someone ported Avara to the Newton? It would easier to aim with the touchscreen, and people could just stand around and play net games through the IR ports. Besides, wouldn't it be easier to port to the Newt than to OSX? It wouldn't need OpenGL or UNIX support or anything. You could even make levels with NewtWorks.

      Just wondering...

      You can make your superhero a psychopath, you can draw gut-splattering violence, and you can call it a "graphic novel," but comic books are still incredibly stupid. -Bill Watterson

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Robert Marlin:
      **Um, I know it would have about as much a chance of happening as a sequal, but wouldn't it be cool if Juri or someone ported Avara to the Newton?

      Newton's rock! I wish I had a Newton... I really think that this is quite possibly the greatest idea we've had here in quite some time; it would be so awesome. You'd have to incorporate handwriting recognition into the game somehow, too...

      Pinky, are you pondering what I am pondering?
      I think so, Brain, but if they called them sad meals, kids wouldn't buy them.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by rebelswin_85:


      Originally posted by Robert Marlin:
      **Um, I know it would have about as much a chance of happening as a sequal, but wouldn't it be cool if Juri or someone ported Avara to the Newton?

      Newton's rock! I wish I had a Newton... I really think that this is quite possibly the greatest idea we've had here in quite some time; it would be so awesome. You'd have to incorporate handwriting recognition into the game somehow, too...


      The original newt does not really have the horsepower needed, IIRC.

      "It must be remembered that there is nothing more difficult to plan, more doubtful of success, nor more dangerous to manage, than the creation of a new system. For the initiator has the emnity of all who would profit by the preservation of the old institutions and merely lukewarm defenders in those who would gain by the new ones." -- Niccolo Machiavelli, 1513

    • I was more referring to the MP2000, one of which I just bought. I should have mentioned that.

      I've been thinking about it, and I really think a sequal at this point would be pointless anyway. I think most people would say "I didn't even know there was an Avara 1". What I do think would be a good idea is if Ambrosia released Avara as an engine or game creation tool, like Coldstone (only better!). The engine is really flexible enough that, with the right models, a game based on Avara could look as good as Quake or even better. It would definitely be the least expensive 3D engine around.

      If Juri would allow for this, I think it could make alot of money for Ambrosia, if they did it right. Everything's already there. It would mostly just be a matter of repackaging. Then again, what would I know. I can't even get a level to work.

      You can make your superhero a psychopath, you can draw gut-splattering violence, and you can call it a "graphic novel," but comic books are still incredibly stupid. -Bill Watterson

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Robert Marlin:
      **What I do think would be a good idea is if Ambrosia released Avara as an engine or game creation tool, like Coldstone (only better!). The engine is really flexible enough that, with the right models, a game based on Avara could look as good as Quake or even better. It would definitely be the least expensive 3D engine around.

      If Juri would allow for this, I think it could make alot of money for Ambrosia, if they did it right. Everything's already there. It would mostly just be a matter of repackaging. Then again, what would I know. I can't even get a level to work.


      You mean with a "real" editor and everything, so that you wouldn't have to use a drawing program to make levels?

      The box said Windows 95 or why doesn't it work on a Mac?

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Rickton:
      **You mean with a "real" editor and everything, so that you wouldn't have to use a drawing program to make levels?

      Yes, it uses a drawing program.... But that is more precise than most other "real editors" I've seen. No, I don't think the same method should be used on other games with more complex levels, but it was just fine for Avara.

      I dont think a 3D coldstone engine would be a good idea. If there was such a thing, everyone and their uncle would be making 3D shooters. No offense, but I don't think that some people are ready to be trying to make high-quality games.

      I would, however, like to see Ambrosia perhaps buy an old engine, and get a good team of artists to work on a project, such as an Avara-esque game. Either that, or use an engine that is already being developed under them.

      -Kyle "Vader" Blessing
      -(url="http://"")Homestar Runner(/url)
      -Don't love, or hate... Just join the (Players Club)

      (This message has been edited by Vader (edited 01-28-2004).)

    • Yeah, I kind of figured everyone would go nuts over that kind of thing. But I think it would be the same case as Coldstone (I think); sure, anyone could make a crummy FPS, but that doesn't mean Ambrosia- or anyone else for that matter- has to sell it. And trying to disribute it by yourself nowadays would have a very slim chance of success. But I get the point.

      But if someone(s) did make a new FPS for Ambrosia based on Avara, would they have to ask/pay Juri for permission to use it, and do you think Ambrosia would be interested? That's what I had wanted to do at first, but I decided that it was a stupid idea.

      Just wondering...

      You can make your superhero a psychopath, you can draw gut-splattering violence, and you can call it a "graphic novel," but comic books are still incredibly stupid. -Bill Watterson

    • Avara is nothing like a fps game and cannot be turned into it.

      Avara is dependent on low polygon count and does not handle textures. And Juri recently said that he can do nothing but very small fixes to the avara code, since he can't debug the very old project.

      Look elsewhere for better fps material.

      (url="http://"")En Wikipedia(/url)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Engla:
      **Avara is nothing like a fps game

      Well, then, what do you think Avara is if not an FPS?

      FPS stands for First Person Shooter... In Avara you are in a first-person view, and it is definatly a shooter.


      I'd do almost anything to keep myself alive--exept kill myself.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by dashriprock:
      **Well, then, what do you think Avara is if not an FPS?

      While Avara certainly fits the definition of "a game where you view things from the first person and shoot at them", it doesn't really fit into the genre that has come to be termed "FPS". Besides the point of view, it doesn't have all that much in common with Doom or Quake III or Half-Life or any of those games. It also bears some similarity to the Mech games (which could also be termed first-person shooters, strictly speaking), but it's not really like those either. I've always felt that in some ways Avara is more sophisticated... from its extreme simplicity there is a great amount of potential for the player to create his own strategies. I think it's because the HECTOR is so controlable. Further, the Avara physics engine seems very realistic... when others were running around awkardly in Marathon, Avara had a character that could crawl and jump (and super-jump!), swivel its head, all in a way very natural for the person controlling it. (now, saying this, I have not played a great deal of computer games recently... and not all that many FPS at all. Another thing perhaps in favor of Avara... it is the only FPS that has held my interest. Better graphics, the ability for more players to play at once, a better game server setup all would be cool, but I can't see much room for improving the basic playability of the game.)

      _dies irae

      Pinky, are you pondering what I am pondering?
      I think so, Brain, but if they called them sad meals, kids wouldn't buy them.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by rebelswin_85:
      **While Avara certainly fits the definition of "a game where you view things from the first person and shoot at them", it doesn't really fit into the genre that has come to be termed "FPS". Besides the point of view, it doesn't have all that much in common with Doom or Quake III or Half-Life or any of those games. It also bears some similarity to the Mech games (which could also be termed first-person shooters, strictly speaking), but it's not really like those either. I've always felt that in some ways Avara is more sophisticated... from its extreme simplicity there is a great amount of potential for the player to create his own strategies. I think it's because the HECTOR is so controlable. Further, the Avara physics engine seems very realistic... when others were running around awkardly in Marathon, Avara had a character that could crawl and jump (and super-jump!), swivel its head, all in a way very natural for the person controlling it. (now, saying this, I have not played a great deal of computer games recently... and not all that many FPS at all. Another thing perhaps in favor of Avara... it is the only FPS that has held my interest. Better graphics, the ability for more players to play at once, a better game server setup all would be cool, but I can't see much room for improving the basic playability of the game.)

      _dies irae


      True, it's not exactly like Quake or UT or really any of those other dull FPSs. But there really isn't another classification for it. For example, Halo is called a FPS but it doesn't follow that strictly-- When riding around in a Warthog or Scorpion Tank or anything it switches to a third-person view. Also when flying the Banshee fighter, it's in a third-person view and can fly around in the air--not really the norm for "regular" FPS games. Even so, it is still classified as a First Person Shooter, becuase that it largely what it is.

      And Avara can't help it if it's a better-designed game then 90% of the rest of them out there. It may not seem to be a so-called "conventional" FPS, but that's becuase there really isn't much requirment to make that classification--it just need to be that, a shooter in the first person.

      Avara is in the first person, and you shoot things. Therefore, FPS.


      I'd do almost anything to keep myself alive--exept kill myself.