Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • AVARA Weekly 04/29/03

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      THIS WEEK IN AVARA............

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      Fabled "old skool" AA players F.yu and KeeL were brutally champed 3-3-0-0 on home turf of Al Salsa Diol by killme and Sphinx. "What happened?" is what everyone wanted to know. Maybe next time the AA can bring some better players to the battlefield?

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      new level
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      Sphinx has created a new level "We Be Ground Pounders" that will be seen in Windsurfer level set when it is finished. The level features super agile alien craft that dominate all but the most skilled h.e.c.t.o.r. pilots.

      Sets the Sun: hey pest is too afraid to play pounders
      me: nice try small fry
      oSol: you win one game fool
      Sets the Sun: so true that small fry
      Sets the Sun: LOL PEST CALM DOWN
      oSol: i am calm, why does everyone always say that
      oSol: lol
      oSol: it's so annoying
      Edgar Hons: Im talkin about WhiteStripes
      me: calm like a BOMB dunn nun nuh nah nah
      Edgar Hons: I dont like em
      oolong: they just want you to spaz for their own enjoyment..
      Edgar Hons: Not this song at least

      i'm not a soccer star yet but i'll beat yew in avara
      (url="http://"")the hideout(/url)

      (This message has been edited by kĄllme (edited 04-29-2003).)

    • Killme, you have serious issues if you are going around posting random screenshots of games and saying you are a champ of this and that. Where I don't want to spend anymore of my time responding to this bs; you should include some information about the games played afterword. How many more did you guys win out of the 32 games played? like 2 or 3? Maybe you should mention the "schooling on Number Seven." I've also been told by a few people that you are getting quite a big head lately (you should tone it down or you will no friends and no one to play avara with anymore) The life of avara is being held by a small group of people, I would make more friends then enemies.
      That is all,



    • LOL beef nice 'newsletter'.

      look! its a signature!

    • Quote

      Originally posted by KeeL:
      **Killme, you have serious issues if you are going around posting random screenshots of games and saying you are a champ of this and that. Where I don't want to spend anymore of my time responding to this bs; you should include some information about the games played afterword. How many more did you guys win out of the 32 games played? like 2 or 3? Maybe you should mention the "schooling on Number Seven." I've also been told by a few people that you are getting quite a big head lately (you should tone it down or you will no friends and no one to play avara with anymore) The life of avara is being held by a small group of people, I would make more friends then enemies.
      That is all,



      Yeah, KeeL, I find it a bit odd that any time I play killme, he loses.. I'm not saying I'm the best, but KM certainly isn't... Damn, we need the brag page again...

      -Kyle "Vader" Blessing

    • killme, your post illustrates why I deleted your previous posting like this, but the earlier one was far more out of hand IMO. The conversations you post are for no point other than to just post junk, and in this case as pointed out by KeeL, are entirely one sided. Had you posted your screenshot and said "we actually won this game, then lost 31 others" would have been a bit more truthful.

      If you want to post these things, go right ahead and post it on the site. I'm sure they'll appreciate it more there.

      And no Vader, I think a brag page at this point would be pointless.

      "You're just about as useless as JPEGs to Helen Keller..."
      Weird Al's "It's All About The Pentiums"

    • Nothing wrong with some good, healthy trash talk. 😄 Lol Taz u should change your name to Spaz... umm.... wheres your sense of humour? look how serious these dudes take the game,, no wonder its funny when they lose ..

      oh btw KeeL is actually pretty damn good, I give him credit for that. But Vader.. sheesh, what are you talking about man!! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: you got nothin,. hmm.. oh yeah, in my opinion, dan is the best player around right now, me and him could probably school keel and f.yu any number of times.. we just stopped playing after that first brutalization.. granted, f.yu is pretty rusty.

      peace out dogs

      i'm not a soccer star yet but i'll beat yew in avara
      (url="http://"")the hideout(/url)