Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Is the tracker down?

      8 18 1.6k

      I haven't been able to use it for a few days.. it just says "Query sent", but never returns the answer (servers found, or, none found.. just querty sent).

      i'm not a soccer star yet but i'll beat yew in avara
      (url="http://"")fun stuff(/url)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by kĄllme:
      **I haven't been able to use it for a few days.. it just says "Query sent", but never returns the answer (servers found, or, none found.. just querty sent).


      Although the tracker stats page says it is up, the web tracker page doesn't respond.
      So, I think you're right - it's down.

      "You're just about as useless as JPEGs to Helen Keller..."
      Weird Al's "It's All About The Pentiums"

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Taz!:
      **Although the tracker stats page says it is up, the web tracker page doesn't respond.
      So, I think you're right - it's down.


      taz im very bummed out can we get this tracker back up plz?

      i'm not a soccer star yet but i'll beat yew in avara
      (url="http://"")fun stuff(/url)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by kĄllme:
      **taz im very bummed out can we get this tracker back up plz?


      Sent the message, waiting for the word.
      Patience please.

      "You're just about as useless as JPEGs to Helen Keller..."
      Weird Al's "It's All About The Pentiums"

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Taz!:
      **Sent the message, waiting for the word.
      Patience please.


      thank u

      i'm not a soccer star yet but i'll beat yew in avara
      (url="http://"")fun stuff(/url)

    • it seems that it is up now at least, I was able to find and conect to a server yesterday, but the tracker webpages shows that It was restarted or something on the 28th

      How to use a tooth pick: Hold stick near center of its length. Moisten pointed end in mouth. Insert in tooth space, blunt end next to gum. Use gentle in-out motion.
      This message brought to you by the Campaign to Save the Humans. We bid you farewell

    • Now it just says Query Sent but never returns anything... have i been banned from teh tracker or something??

      i'm not a soccer star yet but i'll beat yew in avara
      (url="http://"")the hideout(/url)

    • Talked to some avara ppl and i guess the tracker has been down for several weeks now... please.... it is killing the game.. can we get this thing back up permanently?? its hard to get together anymore

      i'm not a soccer star yet but i'll beat yew in avara
      (url="http://"")the hideout(/url)

    • Yeah, I've started to play again, but it's pretty useless without the tracker.

      Vote 1 for Zaphod Beeblebrox- No one can escape Beeblebrox!

    • I think ambrosia has upgraded to a new server, notice (url="http://"") is an OSX Server default page. So, either a) they havn't set it up yet, or the more likely 🆒 they have moved from whatever the old box was to a UNIX box (OSX Server) and the avara-tracker app probibly doesn't run on it anymore. I assume Ambrosia would be more than pleased with an excuse to finaly put avara to rest, but perhapse we could get them to give the tracker app to or someone so we could set up a new tracker. Dono, just my thoughts.


      Circular number lines: dare I say, "Wow!"

    • cant be much trouble to run the server ;

      i'm not a soccer star yet but i'll beat yew in avara
      (url="http://"")the hideout(/url)

    • Well the tracker seems to be up now, so all's well that ends well I supose 🙂

      Circular number lines: dare I say, "Wow!"

    • Wow I thought this forum was dead. So I just threw away Avara. Since I thought I wouldn't be able to play anyone. But now it's all alive again. My loss I guess.

      What stands before us
      today is a meer foreshadow
      of tommorow, fight hard or
      die trying.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by FF-fanatic:
      **Wow I thought this forum was dead. So I just threw away Avara. Since I thought I wouldn't be able to play anyone. But now it's all alive again. My loss I guess.


      you could always download it again 😛

      look! its a signature!

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Patrick:
      **you could always download it again:p


      Stole the words from my mouth!

      Vote 1 for Zaphod Beeblebrox- No one can escape Beeblebrox!

    • yeah your right I could. But I never really got it to work right. Even when I booted into OS9.

      What stands before us
      today is a meer foreshadow
      of tommorow, fight hard or
      die trying.

    • So, there is no more Avara tracker?

      In general, what exactly makes a game good isn't that easily
      quantified - perhaps the absense of things that make it bad? - Words of Wisdom from Glenn Andreas

      Where do you want to (url="http://"")teleport(/url) today?

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Bryce:
      **So, there is no more Avara tracker?

      The tracker web page says it's up, just no servers are running at this time.

      "You're just about as useless as JPEGs to Helen Keller..."
      Weird Al's "It's All About The Pentiums"