Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Who are you?

      12 16 318

      Who is everyone who keeps posting on this message board? I've played online for a year now, and i don't reconize most of the names. Is there another tracker that I don't know about? A whole different group of people that meet? Do you not even play anymore? What are your avara handles?


      Avara Handle: Rocketman


    • Quote

      Originally posted by rocketman574:
      **Who is everyone who keeps posting on this message board? What are your avara handles?

      I don't post here all that often, but that's not saying much considering this board... hehe.
      I used to use rw_85, which may have been easier to correlate. Now I use Dies Irae on Avara. Of course, you may have already known that... oh well.

      Pinky, Are you pondering what I am pondering?
      I think so, Brain, but if they called them sad meals, kids wouldn't buy them.

    • Well, I've been playing avara ever since it came out... Well, 6 days after it came out accually. And I go by the handle "Vader™". I have for like 3 years now. Before that it was "Vader" 😛 At any rate, I'm a regular on both the board, and the tracker...

      -Kyle "Vader" Blessing
      -May the force be with you

    • I've used Knucklehead in Avara before, but I haven't played online in almost 3 years. Some weird thing with graduating from High School and the stupid Firewall at the house blocking every online game I have, from Bolo to Ares...

      I guess I don't post to this particular board very often, anyway. I'm usually on the help board and the EV Nova board.

      Where's the beep?

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Knucklehead:
      **I've used Knucklehead in Avara before, but I haven't played online in almost 3 years. Some weird thing with graduating from High School and the stupid Firewall at the house blocking every online game I have, from Bolo to Ares...

      I guess I don't post to this particular board very often, anyway. I'm usually on the help board and the EV Nova board.


      Firewall blocking? Avara uses port 19567 (UDP) as far as I know. Can't you allow packets through that port and play?

      There is a chart of what games use what ports somewhere... hmm... ahh here:


      This signature is funny. Please read it again.

    • I went by Twinkletoes, but I haven't played very much in the last year due to computer problems.

      Captaintripps: Brahma to your Vishnu
      (url="http://"")VoxHumana(/url) -- Comedy of the Future

    • I go by Defender now, but if the name Piet means anything to you, please contact me and we'll have a few laughs.

      Knowledge is power, but ignorance is bliss.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Defender:
      **I go by Defender now, but if the name Piet means anything to you, please contact me and we'll have a few laughs.


      Piet?! dude, didn't know you were still around! where have you been?

      -Kyle "Vader" Blessing
      -May the force be with you

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Vader:
      **Piet?! dude, didn't know you were still around! where have you been?

      I come and go like the wind.

      Well not so much the wind part, but I have been playing off and on.

      Knowledge is power, but ignorance is bliss.

    • If GameRanger supported Avara, it'd probably fix a few problems...

      (url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) - Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.
      the Confederation Graphics Expansion Set: Coming soon
      (url="http://"")Alien Invaders(/url) | (url="http://"")The Legion(/url) | (url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url) | (url="http://"")Meowx Design(/url)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by rocketman574:
      **Who is everyone who keeps posting on this message board? I've played online for a year now, and i don't reconize most of the names. Is there another tracker that I don't know about? A whole different group of people that meet? Do you not even play anymore? What are your avara handles?



      You've played for over a year? I have played since 1997 and I've never heard of you. Who are YOU?

      I must be missing a lot of people because of the time of day.

    • I didn't know people still played Avara, I certainly don't especially since its not carbon, and probably never will be. Though as for groups of people, theres also #avara, but they are real old timers...


    • (Deleted. Vulgar language)

      (This message has been edited by Taz! (edited 12-02-2001).)

    • There's rarely anyone in #avara anymore. Half the time I go there, I'm the one who started the channel.


      Originally posted by Chamrin:
      **I didn't know people still played Avara, I certainly don't especially since its not carbon, and probably never will be. Though as for groups of people, theres also #avara, but they are real old timers...


      Captaintripps: The Ever ReadyŽ
      (url="http://"")VoxHumana(/url) -- Comedy of the Future

    • << There's rarely anyone in #avara anymore. Half the time I go there, I'm the one who started the channel. >>

      So when you go and see no one on, you set up your own channel for others to come in and use so they know people still use it? Maaaan, you should be banned.


    • Frankly, I spend most of my time talking in ev3 when I'm on IRC. I leave #Avara open all the time and no one comes in. Here, I'll do you a favour, even though you'v'e been an ass.


      Originally posted by EdgarHons:
      **< < There's rarely anyone in #avara anymore. Half the time I go there, I'm the one who started the channel. >>

      So when you go and see no one on, you set up your own channel for others to come in and use so they know people still use it? Maaaan, you should be banned.


      Captaintripps: The Ever ReadyŽ
      (url="http://"")VoxHumana(/url) -- Comedy of the Future