What is your process for creating levels?
I first draw a sketch on scrap paper. Literally scratch paper: typically math homework, paper found in the recycle bin, backsides of music scores I doodle. I typically have symbols to represent objects: isoscoles triangles reprenting cannons, thick short lines to represent platforms, etc etc. I then draw and attempt to transfer my drawing to pixmap format via GraphicConverter with magnification to 400%. I paste directly into MASCOT, and begin tweaking. If the level is more than half done, I start the lightmap. That takes about a day to get perfect. I continue tweaking until I'm assured the whole thing is ready. I take out the cheater points (I skip through levels I don't focus on via transports), and ship it.
How long does an average level take you?
The first level took forever to reach perfection, because at that time only Ben knew how to use MASCOT. Luckily he was kind enough and unoccupied enough to teach me a whole lotta stuff, and I owe him a thank you for that. But I digress. The third level was finished in about a month and a half. The fourth took several months. The fifth (the one in progress) has been in progress since late May and will conclude by mid-July. I am dead slow, yes, but the concensus seems to be in favor of the final result!
What do you spend the most time working on?
Creating the first level draft. Everything is placed, but I am not necessarily able to finish the level completely due to a debilitating bug. Either that, or the neverending curse I've gotten recently, where one in every 10 level saves leads to a level corruption somehow. Dr Tall, I hope we can figure this thing out together, it's really irking me.
What is your favorite part of the process?
Tweaking a level midway, and by complete accident, I think up a new puzzle or secret. It's really satisfying -- you feel an evil grin on your face, knowing you will be getting nasty mails if you add that feature. (And usually I do in fact add them.)
What is your least favorite part of the process?
Having to recover lost data from the level corruption stream. See #3.
Either that, or debating with myself whether something is too mean. If I cannot get through it myself, properly or simply just alive, then I will not use that. A creator should be able to play his own product fully, period, no exceptions.
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