Originally posted by Emperor Ent:
**What makes a great level? What makes a horrible level? How does difficulty/annoying/addictive play into this?
There are several things which make a great level, in no particular order:
Mr. Man's Mean Bastard Level is a great example of this. One must combine BG Tiles, Scenery and Objects properly to create a natural, Ben-esque level.
-BG Tiles: Use extensive diagonals, strait lines are boring, if they vary in direction and shape it will add realism. Make sure you don't use the same BG Filler, especially in cave levels. The best results come from adding streaks of another, more profound, BG Tile.
-Scenery: The scenery should work with the BG Tiles to create the atmosphere. Although it is hard to over-use BG Tiles, this is not the case with scenery. To much scenery can over crowd the screen. Also, experimenting with tinting, flipping, and layering can produce a wider variety of scenery.
Levels should be difficult, addictive, and not annoying.
-Difficult: Traps and tough areas are the best way to add difficulty. Force the player to think and work hard, reward them with a check point.
-Annoying: Preforming an impossible set of manuevers makes the player very annoyed. You will notice that Ben only expects the player to repeat a series of diffiuclt manuevers in but a few levels, Parched Earth and Iceconoclasm come to mind. A good level should be beaten by it's creator without dying more than 3 times (depending on the creators skill.)
Addictive: A player will quit a world very quickly if it's creator desires a evil grin to describe it. One excellent way to increase the level of addictiveness is to place your more difficult levels at the very end of your world. The player desires the eurphoria of beating a complete world. This euporhia is created by becoming involved in the world, and therefore wanting to conquer it. (Exspecially, when you already have donated so many hours to the game.
I have never been overly bothered by plot. Niether was Ben. ![;) π](http://archive.ambrosia.garden/assets/plugins/nodebb-plugin-emoji/emoji/android/1f609.png?v=eb85ilv3one)
Agree? Disagree? Additions?
Chalmers: Aurora Borealis? At this time of year? A this time of day? In this part of the country? Localized entirely within your kitchen?
Skinner: Yes.
Chalmers: May I see it?
Skinner: No.
(This message has been edited by Emperor Ent (edited 06-09-2001).)