Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Update?

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      Is there any hope of an update to Avara so it will run in classic is OSX? Andrew? I think this only need that a new tactic be used to turn the head/getMousePos(), whatever, it shouldn't be too hard to switch the head movement to be coordinate based rather than resting the mouse's position each time its moved. I hope someone cares enough to read this board from time to time... If not I'll repost it in one the the general forums in two weeks or so.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by MacAran:
      Is there any hope of an update to Avara so it will run in classic is OSX? Andrew? I think this only need that a new tactic be used to turn the head/getMousePos(), whatever, it shouldn't be too hard to switch the head movement to be coordinate based rather than resting the mouse's position each time its moved. I hope someone cares enough to read this board from time to time... If not I'll repost it in one the the general forums in two weeks or so.

      Hmmm, while I have not tried running Avara under classic, I don't know of any reason why it should not.

      Have you, in fact, tried this and are reporting that it does not work?

      When you're right 90% of the time, you can disregard the other 3%