I think I've found a bug in Ares, but I don't have a copy on hand to validate. The bug concerns the scoring of "kills" during mission debriefing. "Time" and "losses" are both scored such that a low value is better, and "kills" are supposed to be scored such that a low value is higher. I think the scoring of "kills" is messed up.
According to a comment in the code, the scoring for kills is:
- If the player's kills are less than half par, no points.
- If between half par and par, then award 0-20 points.
- If equal to par, award 20 points.
- If between par and double par, then award 20-40 points.
- If greater than double par, then award 40 points.
I think the code implements that, but awards points inversely proportional to kills within each bracket. In other words, if par for kills was 20, then for 18 kills, the player would be rewarded 4 points; for 19, 2; for 20, 20; for 21, 39; for 22, 38; etc.
The scoring for time is:
- If the player's time is greater than double par, no points.
- If between par and double par, then award 0-50 points.
- If equal to par, award 50 points.
- If between half par and par, then award 50-100 points.
- If less than half par, then award 100 points.
For losses, the logic is the same as for time, except replace 50 with 30, and 100 with 60.
Could someone with a working copy on Classic possibly look into this? I'm thinking that maybe it doesn't make sense to ask someone else to figure out the math, but if you could play a bunch of games of "While the Iron is Hot" and report the numbers from the debriefing, I can figure it out myself.