Ive been trying to get Ares to work over LAN using two PCs with the Basilisk II emulator (its legal-I got the ROM file off of my real mac!) running OS 8.1 with no luck. Both computers are configured with tcP/IP and able to get online in the emulator. I tried creating a TCP/IP game and joining on the other computer by putting the host's IP adress as the host name and putting both computers on the same port, but it just never finds the host when it is searching. Ive tried hosting o both computers with the same result. I dont know how to set up an apple talk zone, so the client can never see the host game with appletalk. I'm not exactly sure if it wont work because of the emulator or because I dont know what I'm doing.
Any help from someone who has succesfully played a LAN game or knows how to get appletalk to work would be greatly appreciated.